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  • Why Snapchat's new algorithm is unique; Facebook preps Messenger Broadcast for business; Twitter tests bookmarking; YouTube gets its own version of Snapchat Stories, also faces advertiser exodus; Tumblr's CEO steps aside; 2018 social media trends...

  • Pow! Bam! Knock those sales goals down next year! An infographic by the RAIN Group Center for Sales Training offers nine ways to be a sales hero in 2018.

  • With the year quickly coming to a close, many companies are looking to ramp up their sales efforts to hit or exceed their projected numbers for the year. These six platforms can help B2B sales departments close out the year strong.

  • Consumers expect to be notified quickly by retailers when there is an issue with their shipment or when their delivery date changes, according to recent research from Dropoff.

  • Relying solely on analytics tools when making business decisions can lead to misdirected targeting, causing major consequences for an organization's bottom line.

  • Is the computer as we know it on its way out? As mobile usage continues to grow—and PC usage continues to decline—what does that mean for computers? And what does it mean for marketers as they try to keep up with changing consumer habits?

  • Consumers say detailed product descriptions, images, and customer reviews are the three content types that most influence their purchases on e-commerce websites, according to recent research from Clutch.

  • We are in the next great Golden Era of marketing, and with this new era comes an entirely new set of possibilities—along with commensurate customer demands. Here are five megatrends we marketers need to be aware of as we move into 2018.

  • Marketing consultant, speaker, and best-selling author Mark Schaefer discusses the revised edition of his book The Tao of Twitter and explains why your company needs to be using Twitter for marketing.

  • Looking for something new for your social media program? Today's infographic offers nine trends you can expect to see in the coming year. Check them out to stay ahead of competitors and keep your followers engaged.

  • What are the most popular methods for promoting webinars? When do people tend to register for webinars? And how long are webinars, on average?

  • It's that time of year when marketers are figuring out how to allocate their resources. Here are some important things to keep in mind as you build your marketing budget for the upcoming financial year or quarter.

  • Keyword research is vital for success, because it's all about determining user intent. And without user intent, there is nothing guiding the content we create, the backlinks we aim to earn, and the on-page content we optimize.

  • How will technology transform your next event? Whether you use apps or drones, events are changing, and technologies are helping planners become more efficient and attendees become more engaged.

  • Direct website traffic is the factor that most influences how well pages rank on Google's search engine result pages (SERPs), according to recent research from SEM Rush.

  • If an explainer video is a snack, a long-form documentary (think 15 minutes) is the marketing equivalent of a four-course meal. The thing is... no content strategy can live on snackable content alone; sometimes, you need to serve up a full meal.

  • Ready to get more done at work? Check out this infographic with tips on how to be more productive.

  • Brand-specific hashtags in your Tweets can be helpful, but it's also important to use trending hashtags. Each day of the week comes with its own commonly used hashtags, and your brand can get in on the action.

  • Fortune 500 companies are increasingly using visual social networks such as Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat, according to recent research conducted by Nora Ganim Barnes and Shannen Pavao at The Center for Marketing Research, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

  • Facebook courts video creators away from YouTube; Google's new social search feature; Facebook tests total VR experiences in News Feeds; social selling on LinkedIn; where social video's going in 2018; podcast listeners could be your next influencers; more!