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  • Eye of newt... scale of dragon... whoops, wrong recipe. You want to know what goes into a power page—the top-ranking internet content that makes Google sing your praises. Check out this article to learn the most important ingredients.

  • Learn four ways the technology can help increase conversions: speeding up lead engagement, identifying bad leads, enabling around-the-clock availability, and shortening the sales cycle.

  • Taking customer feedback on social media can be brutal. It's like standing on a stage getting hit by flying vegetables. A possible alternative is to build an online community, which comes with added benefits for both your brand and your customers.

  • Working in PR and media relations means no day will ever be the same, so it's imperative that you roll with changes and adjust how you work. These four tips can help.

  • Marketers say their customer data platform and email marketing platform are the top marketing technologies that they can't live without, according to recent research from Oracle and Ascend2.

  • Adding more hashtags to Instagram posts doesn't tend to help boost views, according to recent research from Social Insider.

  • Although the sales team shouldn't function exactly like your significant other (at least, we hope not), marketing leaders can learn a lot about alignment from how a marriage endures. Check out these four lessons.

  • This piece looks at four marketing ops responsibilities: building and maintaining systems, managing cross-functional projects, handling email and CRM systems, and managing and analyzing data.

  • Email, website, chatbot, PPC, Zoom calls... B2B buyers have access to more channels than ever to get information about your product or service. Coordinating those touchpoints leads to the best possible experience.

  • Big ad channels can't be trusted to give you real analytics. Facebook wants you to use Facebook, so it fudges the stats to ensure you will. Multitouch attribution tools, on the other hand, are impartial and effective.

  • This infographic explores performance trends for UGC advertising and how social networks are investing in UGC.

  • Time to take your brand to the doctor. How does it measure up? Ask yourself these six questions to see if you need to make changes.

  • Business leaders say staffing issues/shortages will be the biggest challenge to successfully delivering customer engagement and experience in 2022, according to recent research from Verint.

  • It's easy to get overwhelmed and feel like pulling your hair out when creating new pieces of content. Slow down, take a deep breath, and follow the steps in this article.

  • Complying with customer data rights doesn't mean just checking a few boxes and moving on. Your entire organization must shift in the way it views and processes customer data. Here are some tips to get started.

  • If the formula for measuring ROI is so straightforward, why do so many marketers struggle with it? They may be looking for their Y in the wrong place.

  • Nearly half of HR leaders believe that meeting culture—the length, frequency, and outcomes of meetings—is a major challenge for their company, according to recent research from Time Is Ltd. and Ascend2.

  • This infographic explores benchmarks based on an analysis of engagement (likes, comments, shares, etc.) on 27 million posts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.

  • Ceros CMO Jamie Gier has no problem admitting that she gets overwhelmed by the relentless advance of technology and the ways it's shaping marketers' personal and professional lives.

  • You have a great customer feedback program that gets you a mountain of data. But how do you spin that data into problem-solving gold? Here are three lessons from companies that successfully did just that.