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  • The average clickthrough rate (CTR) of Facebook ads increased both year over year and quarter over quarter in 3Q17, according to recent research from iProspect.

  • When you have strong thought leadership content, you want to get it in front of the right audience. Twitter can be a helpful channel when it comes to reaching not just readers, but also influencers who can help create more conversations around your content and your brand.

  • This infographic walks you through the step-by-step process of creating Instagram Stories for your business and highlights some of the additional features of the platform you can use to encourage even more views and engagement.

  • By working in lockstep with data scientists, marketers can better understand who their targets are, what they desire, and what their challenges, behaviors, and motivations are. Marketers can then devise more effective campaigns to influence consumers.

  • The proportion of marketing-email subscribers who use Gmail for those subscriptions has jumped 76% since 2014, according to recent research from Yes Lifecycle Marketing.

  • If you're tired of low response rates on social media, it could be that you're taking the wrong approach to creating and sharing relevant content that captures and engages the attention of your audience. Settle in and start reading—we're going to show you how to do it right.

  • Facebook launches Messenger Kids app; Instagram tests standalone messaging app, adds Stories features; Twitter Lite expands to conquer new markets; Facebook allows pre-roll video ads; Pinterest's president is stepping down; and much more...

  • Video is ever changing—from '90s video clips on MTV to vanishing Snapchat Stories—and the platform that airs the content helps shape and refine both video and how it's used. So when you're considering using video in your next social media marketing campaign, also consider this advice.

  • Bank customers want personalized ads across channels, according to a report that asked consumers their thoughts on how banks advertise online. Check out the infographic for more tips on how banks can speak to their customers effectively.

  • Male holiday shoppers are more likely than female holiday shoppers to be drawn into brick-and-mortar stores by online ads and deals displayed in windows, according to recent research from Euclid.

  • People are busier than ever, and increasingly they are learning by listening to podcasts while multitasking. Accordingly, audio content might be the perfect choice to market your business or brand.

  • It's easy to send an email to subscribers, but not so simple to make sure that email ends up in the inbox. This graphic (and game!) from ReturnPath outlines the steps you need to take to ensure good email deliverability.

  • Facebook is the most popular channel with local businesses for running advertising campaigns this holiday season, according to recent research from Netsertive.

  • Veteran content marketer, cartoonist, and author Tom Fishburne (Your Ad Ignored Here: Cartoons From 15 Years of Marketing, Business, and Doodling in Meetings) talks about the role of humor in marketing and why cartoons might be the ultimate content marketing tool.

  • It's a battle as old as time: You've been assigned to an important project with a tight deadline, but your inspiration's running dry. How can you possibly be creative when the clock is ticking and the pressure is mounting?

  • What are the most popular corporate gifts to give? If you're with an agency or you've got clients, check out this infographic to see how your gifts stack up.

  • B2C marketers are becoming more successful with content marketing, but many report their organizations don't have realistic expectations about what content marketing can achieve. See what else the annual study by MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute uncovered.

  • A customer-oriented mindset is vital for marketing success, helping campaigns resonate with prospects and leading to more sales and greater customer satisfaction. So how can busy marketers implement a customer-oriented mindset?

  • By testing various creative treatments, prioritizing the role creative plays in ads, and choosing the right tools for ad creation, marketers can do more of what they do best: offer creative solutions to their customers and prospects.

  • Acquiring new customers may be exciting, but keeping the ones you have is more profitable. Check out today's infographic for 20 reasons you may want to focus your marketing efforts on customer loyalty.