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  • ake a minute to review these 10 fundamentals of great copy. How does your Web writing stack up?

  • n the rush to jumpstart revenues and execute on the marketing plan, too many marketers are losing touch with their marketing strategy.

  • "Serve First, Sell Second" and "Seek Out Customer Complaints" are two of the 12 irrefutable laws of customer loyalty. Think you know the other 10?

  • When we build new Web sites, brochures and logos for our organizations, we scrutinize them with fanatical zeal. The problem comes when we get overly caught up in the graphic design process.

  • mall companies can, and often do, dominate their behemoth competitors in the search world, for a variety of reasons.

  • his issue’s dilemma asks: How important is it to tailor your marketing approach to women in business? Also this week: How can we develop successful webinars that generate high-quality leads?

  • Like the parents of Lake Wobegon, a lot of marketing managers seem to live in a place that’s a little disconnected from reality. In that place, for example, every customer is profitable.

  • If you want to see one of the best examples of a great use of marketing theory, watch the TV show "American Idol."

  • How can we increase our conversion rates on a pay-per-click search deal? Also this week: Should we continue renting from third-party list brokers?

  • Being Googled reveals how visible you are on the Web, and visibility (at least among your target audience) is critical to successful personal branding.

  • Denning describes how storytelling can serve as a powerful tool for organizational change and knowledge management.

  • tock market analysts say that a company’s past performance is no indication of their future returns. Well, it’s the same story in strategy and marketing.

  • The Web is about self-service. To succeed in self-service, you need to really understand how your visitors think and behave, which requires getting to know their needs in a comprehensive manner.

  • Unfortunately for us marketers, the public is inundated, deluged and bombarded, every day, with hundreds of ads, commercials, emails and direct-mail offers inviting them to buy, try, upgrade, sign on, act now and order before midnight.

  • This week: How can we develop successful Webinars that generate high-quality leads? Also: One product, three markets. How can you launch at the same time for different audiences?

  • Launch teams often focus their tools and training on communicating product knowledge and features, rather than communicating a solution’s strategic value to your customer.

  • Harvard’s structure and marketing system can teach us one heck of a lot.

  • The old, customary procedure of strategy development has a pure and sound logic. But the problem is that it's no longer adequate.

  • In part 1, Karen introduced a client that suffered from copywriting traumas. Now here's the plan of action.

  • When your CEO has high expectations for the organization that include new initiatives and directions during the fiscal year, long after budgets are approved, you are at a crossroads.