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  • This week, the SWOT Team asks: Outside of direct referrals, how do you reach other potential customers within the same company? Also this week, read your answers to the last issue's dilemma: How do you challenge the "customer is always right" policy when the customers, well...isn't?

  • Great marketers figure out how to make lives better, with the goal of attracting lots of profitable and happy customers. But to measure how well marketing efforts help build a large and loyal customer base, it's essential to identify (and rely on) the metrics that matter most.

  • With many companies still cost-conscious about marketing, the Web presents a perfect opportunity for marketers to maximize the power of events and quantify returns. The interactive and direct nature of the Web can help marketers to better foster, manage, qualify and follow up on interested leads from trade shows and seminars. How can marketers leverage the Web to maximize return on investment and ensure the best closed-circle interaction for potential customers?

  • Branding, as you might imagine, is not typically what direct response agencies do. But some direct response agencies strongly believe in the power of branding. And smart direct marketers build their strategies squarely on the brand.

  • On Wall Street, financial investors speak of CEOs improving their companies' "top line" by increasing sales volume, or upping their "bottom line" by reducing their expenses to expand the margins from their current sales volume. For Internet companies, business owners determining where to direct their improvement efforts should take a similar "top line-bottom line" approach.

  • Generation Y is the segment born between 1979 and 1994. They are anextremely marketing-savvy group that understands how numerous companies actively covet their business. As a result, Gen Y-ers greet new brands with intense skepticism, making it increasingly imperative for Gen-Y businesses to focus on brand strategy.

  • We've all heard the jokes about embarrassing translations in the marcom arena. But if you were were responsible for a hefty international marketing or ad budget, such gaffes would wipe the smile right off your face. There are some important lessons to learn about writing branding and ad copy in multiple languages.

  • Advertisers, including Paramount Pictures, The Wall Street Journal, and the Gap, are successfully reaching niche audiences for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. As a result, a handful of bloggers are earning six-figure incomes from their blogs. Why aren't more advertisers and bloggers getting together? Three reasons: fear, ignorance and the knowledge that a lot of pioneers get shot.

  • This week: What's the best way to market "invisible" products like services? Join the conversation! Also this week, read your advice on the most effective enticements to convince customers to complete surveys.

  • Here's how a corporate communications professional could go about the business of learning more about Investor Relations, pitching Investor Relations to company executives, and practicing necessary processes before going public.

  • It costs your business a whole lot more to secure a new customer than it does to hold onto an existing one. As marketers, salespeople and business owners, very few of us have a weekly face-to-face opportunity to make our customers feel valued and appreciated. But if we are smart, we will maintain some sort of program to nurture our customers after the inital sale.

  • Coca-Cola is not an American brand, L'Oreal is not a French brand, and Samsung is not a Korean brand. Rather, they are global brands. They are symbols of a global culture created by the Internet, travel, music and other influences that easily seep across borders. So what are the implications for brand strategists?

  • If leveraging a consumer's propensity to tell others about your products and services is indeed a huge focus of your company's growth strategy, what techniques and methodologies can help measure referral value? Put another way, is it possible to "quantify" word of mouth beyond standard solicited survey questions?

  • What's most frustrating about measuring and quantifying usage on your site? Not counting common management problems, the issues here are the most troubling, according to one group of Web developers and managers. If your job includes analyzing Web data at any level, you'll recognize your own issues in this top-10 list.

  • This week, how can you entice more people to consider filling out your surveys? Join the conversation! Also this week: What loyalty programs are most effective at addressing both local and international customers?

  • Some ad industry leaders have complained that recent college graduates are ill prepared for today's competitive environment. Why? Because ivory tower professors, they say, are out of touch with the "real world." So maybe it's time for advertising people to give something back, for the sake of our industry's future. Here are 10 ideas.