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  • Whatever type of data puzzle you’re trying to solve, you need an analytics team—whether internal or external—to make sense of the trends and patterns in your data. But how do you know your team is effective?

  • Consumers decide to read promotional emails on their mobile devices primarily based on whether they recognize who the messages are coming from, according to a recent report from Campaigner.

  • Often, people think the more grandiose the idea for improving their website, the better their conversion rates will be. The truth is that most conversion increases come from changes to small, overlooked details.

  • From native advertising and content strategy to how the C-Suite has evolved, Larry Weber and Lisa Henderson discuss what marketers need to know to stay relevant in their industry.

  • Simply asking people to share a post is often the most effective call to action (CTA) for Facebook posts, according to a recent report from TrackMaven.

  • To help you navigate the world of PR in today's world, here’s a road map to understanding its contours and features—along with tips on how to get some of that PR yourself.

  • Want to ensure your B2B online marketing is effective? The following infographic outlines six essential elements of a successful B2B online marketing program.

  • How can you boost the conversion rate of the forms on your website? Does including branding help? Can can tweaking the language on the "Submit" button get more people to click?

  • "Free" for customers is never free for marketers. There are always expenses to be paid for free offers or giveaways. And those costs are often higher than marketers anticipate.

  • Landing on an email blacklist—a collection of IP addresses and domains flagged as "known" sources of spam—can greatly affect a brand's ability to reach consumers, according to a recent report from Return Path.

  • Despite advances in data, analytics, and technology, only 26% of marketers are capable of determining the impact they themselves have on their business, according to the latest joint VisionEdge Marketing and ITSMA Marketing Performance Management Survey.

  • Score! (some best-practices for #WorldCup marketing, that is.) You'll also learn this week about the ways teens use Instagram, Facebook's ad plans for customer Web browser history, and the new deal between Wikipedia and the PR industry. Skim to stay cool under the sun (sponsored by Brazil).

  • A video conference is an excellent way to communicate information to clients and colleagues—as quickly and efficiently as possible. But people sometimes forget they’re professional events... leading to embarrassing and unprofessional gaffes.

  • Almost all (98%) of the biggest charities in the United States are using social media, and 97% are using some type of video to help inspire their audience, according to recent research from from The Center for Marketing Research at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

  • One of the keys to having a successful nonprofit is to ask pointed questions about your organization and to respond with truthful answers. It's better to see problems and fix them than to bury your head in the sand and risk permanent failure.

  • This year's World Cup is predicted to be the biggest sporting event ever, surpassing the 3.2 billion viewers of the last World Cup. So, what role will social media play during the World Cup and its advertising?

  • The 10 most popular content topics on Facebook and Twitter are very similar, but topics differ significantly beyond the top 10, according to a recent study by Klout.

  • Deploying a team of remote employees can help companies increase productivity, boost morale, and achieve substantial cost savings. However, managing those workers can be extremely challenging.

  • "Clarity therapist" Steve Woodruff explains how you can break through the noise, help people to understand your business, and ensure that they remember what you do so that they can connect you with potential customers.

  • Most online mentions of companies by consumers are neutral, rather than overtly positive or negative, according to a recent report.