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  • Leading business bloggers say the perceived authenticity of a CEO plays a critical role in how they assess a leader's abilities and performance overall, according to interviews conducted by the 10 company and Gotham Research Group.

  • Local search is a rapidly growing trend and an essential marketing task for businesses that want to increase sales. Are you reaping the most benefits from local search? Learn five steps that'll help you do just that.

  • Consumers use various digital devices—smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers—at many points along the purchase path, from researching product information and pricing to finding retail outlets or completing transactions electronically, according to a survey conducted by Ipsos for Google, which explores consumers' shopping behaviors during the 2011 holiday season.

  • "Popular is the last thing smart business people should want to be." At least that's the firmly held belief of Erika Napoletano, author of the forthcoming book The Power of Unpopular, and this week's guest on Marketing Smarts. But whatever could she mean? And why would any smart businessperson set out to be unpopular?

  • Online testimonials are undeniably valuable, but they come after the sale. What if you could start that engine earlier? Learn how one company used Twitter and landing pages to boost sales and deepen customer engagement.

  • More than one-half (55%) of social media users in the US say they are uncomfortable sharing credit card information with a known brand via secure payment on a social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook, according to a new survey from Digitas.

  • Usability testing is the most powerful, most effective thing you can do for your website, yet people assume it's too complicated and expensive. But almost anyone can do usability testing—from start to finish—in about three weeks.

  • Facebook's penetration among worldwide Internet audiences reached 55% as of December 2011, up 43 percentage points from 12% in 2007, according to report by comScore Data Mine.

  • What will the remainder of 2012 have in store for B2B marketing? Thanks to data, what lies ahead isn't so hard to predict. Learn five significant trends that will affect B2B marketers in the months to come.

  • Twitter users* say only 36% of the tweets they receive are worth reading, 39% are mediocre at best, and 25% of tweets are not worth reading at all, according to a study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, MIT, and Georgia Tech.

  • Do you treat customers and prospects as if they were whole human beings—with hearts, minds, and spirits? You should. Learn six steps that lead to a human-centric approach to marketing.

  • Facebook ad spending among clients of Kenshoo Social grew 109% in the fourth quarter of 2011 over 3Q11 levels, dwarfing the 27% growth recorded in paid-search spending over the same period, according to a report by Kenshoo.

  • When hosting a webinar, you want people to show up and you want to generate leads. But meeting those goals isn't easy. Here's a five-step plan that'll take the guesswork out of hosting an effective, successful webinar.

  • More than three-quarters (77%) of social media users say websites should offer social login—i.e., using a social media identity to log in at a website—as an alternative to traditional account creation or logging in as a guest, up from the 66% who said so a year earlier, according to a study by Janrain.

  • Senior-level marketers don't seem to believe their digital partners are adequately extending their service capabilities in the digital age. So how does an agency demonstrate that it "gets" digital? Glenn Engler, CEO of Digital Influence Group, answers that question in this episode of Marketing Smarts.

  • Want to grow your SMS and email marketing lists? Your social media fans and followers—who've already demonstrated their interest in you—are the perfect targets. Learn five steps for converting your social fans to subscribers.

  • After making a luxury purchase, most Americans (70.8%) "verbally tell someone" about their latest acquisition, while fully three in ten (30.3%) head to social media sites to share the news, according to a survey from Empathica.

  • When new visitors arrive at your website, you have two ways to seize the opportunity and guide them toward becoming customers. Both opportunities can evaporate in the blink of an eye—if you don't have the proper systems in place.

  • Fully 40% of all US mobile subscribers, or 97.9 million people, owned a smartphone during the three months ended December 2011, as Google Android expanded its dominance in the market and Apple gained ground among handset manufacturers, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service.

  • If you are serious about the words "sales," "profit," and "conversions," you must master keyword research. Learn four common pitfalls marketers make when selecting keywords—and how to avoid them.