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  • PVBIT. You may not be able to pronounce it, but you had better remember it. PVBIT stands for the five things that email marketing must have for a successful B2B or fundraising application.

  • Ever wonder why some PowerPoint presentations are head and shoulders above others? Why do some have amazing powers of persuasion while others simply bore you to death? Here's the secret to PowerPoint pizzazz.

  • Content is still king. But what beyond content must be included to ensure success?

  • Lots of business people think issuing press releases are all flacks live for. In fact, as part of an effective public relations program, a press release may be the last thing you need to worry about.

  • It is no secret that selling is matter the platform. Consider that when a website is the first contact a potential customer has with a business, the challenges to selling online might be new, but the rules are quite old.

  • o sell more IT and services efficiently and effectively, you need to value your time more than the prospect does.

  • The line between marketing and advertising is fuzzy to begin with. Ask 20 experts what the difference between the two is, and you'll get 20 different answers. So what's the right answer?

  • Studies show that tradeshow sales beat comparative spending on advertising, direct mail, and other marketing efforts. So how do you get the most bang for your tradeshow buck?

  • WHY on earth would you ignore advice on one of the most powerful psychological triggers that makes people buy?

  • Would you believe a simple home page makeover can convert visitors into buyers? Here's how.

  • The English poet John Donne (of "for whom the bell tolls" fame) wrote that "no man is an island." Nor is any email campaign.

  • Respect often doesn't develop in business relationships. Why not? R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Find out what it means to...YOU.

  • You can't package it, but you can view it -- albeit in a cluttered marketplace. So how can you brand it?

  • Release yourself from the same ol', same ol'. Here's how to divert yourself from treading down the same tired path the next time you're banging out any sort of copy.

  • Despite the growing globalization of the Net, most big multinationals fail when it comes to dealing in languages other than English.

  • A non-technical perspective on Web marketing: Think of it as Web marketing for the technologically challenged.

  • Without a position, a business often acts like a multi-headed creature - speaking from many mouths, saying nothing substantive, and going nowhere fast.

  • In a recent survey, most executives believe the Net will be vital to their future export strategy. Are you ready? Here's how to get a jump start.

  • Now that your website is at the top of the search engines, your competitors will want to knock you off. What are you doing about it?

  • There are still organizational and historical divisions between the creation of copy and content on many sites today. But it's time to break down those barriers.