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  • Flash is a powerful tool that offers developers huge capabilities. Until recently, developers mostly utilized Flash's strengths to create complex animations or fast-loading movies. However, the most recent versions of Flash offer developers power that's far beyond the tool's original scope.

  • Time was when you looked carefully at your handwritten draft, mindful that revisions to the typewritten version would waste a lot of time. So you thought a great deal about what you wrote. You had an incentive to consider every sentence, every phrase, every word. There is no doubt that the arrival of word processing made the writer’s life a lot easier. But something has been lost.

  • Supply chains and marketing channels are being redrawn as e-business, consolidation, and integrated supply alter the relationship between manufacturer, distributor and customer. How can manufacturers best leverage their existing industrial channels to grow in this era of uncertainty?

  • E-mail is abused by innocent victims, just as alcohol, drugs and food are. Here's a 12-step program for the electronically afflicted.

  • Just as you don’t like to be let down or mislead, neither do your customers. Although it may be tempting to make claims of greatness or leadership to stand out in a cluttered marketplace, it will not lead to long-term success and customer loyalty if you can’t deliver.

  • You’ve been working on your brand new web site for months — the graphics look great, it’s user-friendly, easy to navigate, takes your prospects where you want them to go, and so on. Now you have to get qualified visitors to your site, and (more importantly) keep them coming back. Here's five proven techniques for accomplishing that.

  • In this day of celebrity brands, and branded cities, it is not only becoming common, it is becoming essential, for senior executives to build and communicate their personal brands to expand both individual and corporate success. Here's how.

  • Before you get your heart set on optimizing a certain keyword or keyword phrase for optimal search engine placement, consider doing three things.

  • There’s a little Web secret that can help you kick off relationship-building with a visitor’s first stop at your site. Tuck some personal stuff in the nooks and crannies on your site.

  • In today's economy, many large technology and professional services firms are failing. Even worse, you hear about two unproductive firms merging together to combine assets into one large unproductive IT firm. What can you do about it?

  • Questions of e-mail format stir up a flurry of interest among online marketers. In addition, how marketers wish to send e-mails may vary considerably from what consumers want.

  • The Rules" is a controversial US book detailing how to ensnare a husband by employing a strict code of conduct. Coincidentally, the guide provides an inadvertent object lesson for businesses struggling to achieve CRM.

  • Have you had current or potential customers tune out on you while you're speaking to them? You're giving them this outstanding description and its going bing, bong, kazoom over their heads. Want to know why this happens?

  • In our combined years of experience, we’ve discovered quite a bit about what works, and what doesn’t, in the email marketing arena. More than that, we’ve also divined the true secret of marketing via electronic mail.

  • The party is over. The gluttonous technology buyers of the '90s are on strict diets and are not stopping by our candy stores anymore. Selling technology will require nothing less than completely refocusing your marketing efforts and adapting to leaner customer appetites.

  • Based on the links pointing to your site, the search engines either increase or decrease how relevant your site is for particular keyword searches. Obviously, you want to increase your site's relevancy, right?

  • What's the value of loyalty programs – both to consumers and to the issuers of the cards?

  • In today's turbulent global business environment, there is no better time than now to put effective global leadership traits into place. What are those traits? Here are the top 10.

  • Many of us still have annual sales projections that are based on backroom conversations with unsubstantiated forecast logic or rolled forward from last year's commitment to investors, compensation plans that haven't changed in years and sales support departments who are not assigned a sales quota. Does this sound uncomfotably familiar?

  • Segmentation is supposed to be the cornerstone of CRM. The problem doesn't go far enough.