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  • As companies continue to embrace software-as-a-service (SaaS) for the most strategically critical applications in their businesses, 52% say they are deploying SaaS for customer relationship management (CRM), making it the most widely adopted application of SaaS, according to a study from Avanade.

  • Digital and direct marketing hiring is on track to rebound in early 2010: 46% of hiring managers plan to add staff in the first quarter, up from 30% who said the same in the fourth quarter 2009, according to a Bernhart Associates survey.

  • This year marks the 10-year anniversary of MarketingProfs. The site was founded a decade ago by CEO Allen Weiss, a marketing academic, as a place where his fellow "prof"-essors and marketing "prof"-essionals could learn from each other.

  • One of the traps that many organizations fall into when launching a new Web initiative is putting the focus of the project on new technology or new functionality. Instead, you need to start your project with the end result in mind. This article outlines project phases that you need to include when launching any Web campaign.

  • With Q4 looming, along iwth company revenue targets for the year ahead, this company faced the perennial dilemma common to B2B marketers: how to fill the sales funnel with quality leads now to get a jump on sales-cycle activity in January. A classic direct-mail package and a brilliantly simple strategy for getting through the mailroom and onto prospects' desks was the solution.

  • At its core, market opportunity is your sizing forecast for a specific product or service, now and over the next several years. At a minimum, you should know that information in terms of sales dollars. A solid understanding of opportunity will guide you to the best markets and warn you off the bad ones. It will frame your investments and serve in part as your scorecard to mark progress.

  • Salespeople rely on strategies such as "sell the value" or to "value-add"—neither of which produces sustainable advantage. They do so because it's hard to achieve genuine differentiation based on something the customer values. But suppose salespeople were able to create highly differentiated offerings that provide real value that competitors can't copy...

  • Four out of five (81%) of Web users click away from online video pages when they encounter mid-stream rebuffering rather than wait for slow video streams to reload, according to a study from TubeMogul.

  • Total magazine rate-card-reported advertising revenue closed at $19.45 billion in 2009, down 18.1% from 2008 levels, according to Publishers Information Bureau (PIB).

  • Nearly three-quarters (74%) of American adults use the Internet––a slight drop from 79% reported in April 2009, when the survey did not include Spanish interviews, according to a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

  • In the aftermath of the devastating Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti, much of what people are learning about the quake is coming from social media––with Twitter posts the leading source of discussion, followed by online video, blogs, and other online boards/forums, according to The Nielsen Company.

  • Though the US accounts for 50.1% of all Twitter users––down from 62.1% in June 2009––Twitter use elsewhere, particularly Brazil, Germany, and Indonesia, is quickly growing, according to a study by Sysomos.

  • CBS is the new top "must-keep TV" brand in America , chosen by 49% of viewers, and narrowly beating its rival ABC (48%), which had led the pack as the top brand for two years, according to a survey of US consumers by SRG. FOX is now in the third spot (44%), followed by NBC (42%).

  • Google continued to dominate search, accounting for 72.3% of all US searches in the four weeks ended January 2, 2010, up 1% from a month earlier, according to Experian Hitwise. Yahoo followed with 14.8% of searches, Bing with 8.9%, and with 2.5%.

  • Nearly one-half (45%) of cable TV advertisers plan to increase ad spending on the ESPN Sports Network in the next 12 months, and 40% plan to allocate more spend on the Discovery Channel, according to Beta Research.

  • Paid-search spending worldwide by US-based high-tech and consumer-electronics advertisers grew 16.6% in the fourth quarter of 2009 over third-quarter levels, after having grown 7.7% in the third quarter, according to a study from Covario.

  • Seven out of ten (70%) of Americans say it's more difficult to get rich today than it was in the past, compared with 38% who said the same in 1999––a year dominated by the bubble––according to a survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International on behalf of

  • B2B marketers who develop consistent lead-management processes––along with careful investments in automation––achieve stronger, more qualified sales pipelines, according to interviews conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Silverpop.

  • Over the past 20 years (1990-2009), the Super Bowl has generated $2.17 billion of network sales from a total of 210 different advertisers and more than 1,400 commercial messages, according to TNS Media Intelligence.

  • A record high of nearly 31 billion videos were delivered to more than 170 million US Internet users in November 2009, according to comScore.