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  • Despite widespread consumer adoption of social media, advertisers on average allocated just 4% of their media spend to the channel in 2009, relying instead on traditional, proven online media choices that were in place before the economic downturn, according to data from interactive agency Razorfish.

  • Consumers love Costco—and are more passionate about that love than they are for any other supermarket in the US, according to the newly launched NetBase Brand Passion Index, which measures the intensity of consumer passion for brands among users of online communities.

  • The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index increased in May—its third consecutive monthly gain—and now stands at 63.3 (1985=100), up from 57.7 in April, the Conference Board reported.

  • Trust in Facebook as a company has been shaken as a result of controversial changes it has made to its privacy policy, and that loss of trust may lead up to one-quarter of its users to curtail their usage or drop Facebook entirely, according to a new poll by MarketingProfs.

  • Bolstered by upper-income consumer spending, US retail e-commerce sales reached an estimated $34 billion in the first quarter of 2010, up 10% from a year earlier—the largest increase in spending since the second quarter of 2008, according to comScore.

  • The technology puzzle is no longer an area of operations that marketing-focused professionals can afford to ignore or defer to other entities within the organization. Marketing must influence technology if we are to achieve relevance in direct digital marketing.

  • At Kadient—a company that now delivers interactive Sales Playbooks—customer satisfaction is more important than ever. As the company began development of a SaaS product for a new market, here's how the management team readied a formal process for gathering customer feedback.

  • To successfully reach the Hispanic audience, marketers should understand that what works with the general market can't simply be transferred to the Latino market. Instead, messages must be culturally adapted to capture the thought, meaning, and feeling, not just the words.

  • Most companies know they need to pay attention to social media, because it provides the richest data sets of consumer information that have ever existed. So brands know there's an opportunity, and they fear being left out if they aren't tapped in. But what's the difference between monitoring social media and listening to social media?

  • In the early days of microblogging, just as Twitter had launched, only three Twitter users were issuing tweets—company founders Biz Stone, Evan Williams, and Jack Dorsey—but now, with more than 100 million Twitter users, there are at least 140 key influencers in the Twittersphere, according to a Web Trend Map from Information Architects.

  • Among the employees of the nation's largest corporations, LinkedIn is the most popular social networking site, according to a report by NetProspex, which also found that the employees of Microsoft are the most actively involved in social networking, followed by those of eBay, Amazon, and Walt Disney.

  • The consumption of Internet video—content stored and distributed over Internet protocol (IP) architecture—is forecast to overtake the consumption of broadcast TV programming by 2020, according to a report by The Diffusion Group (TDG).

  • Traffic to home and fashion community websites grew in April as the spring season prompted consumers to seek advice on home improvement and fashion trends, while photo sharing sites registered a boost in activity driven by seasonal events, such as proms and religious holidays, according to comScore Media Metrix.

  • Consumers who actively engage with social media are more positive about their connections with brands: 35% of those who use social media say they believe "companies are genuinely interested them," compared with just 16% of all consumers, according to a study by Alterian.

  • Though most marketers understand the value of connecting with consumers on an emotional level, nearly two-thirds (62%) say their brand's messaging is focused on rational and functional elements rather than emotional benefits, according to a survey form the Association of National Advertisers (ANA).

  • Over two-thirds of high-tech marketing professionals (68%) say lead generation is their top marketing priority this year and 74% cite social media as among the top emerging marketing channels for lead generation in 2010 and beyond, according to a Unisfair survey slated for release in late May.

  • Three-quarters of Americans (74%) say when a celebrity endorser gets involved in a scandal, how they feel about the brands that the celebrity endorses is not affected, according to a new Adweek Media/Harris Poll. Just over one in five surveyed consumers (22%), however, say they feel worse about the endorsed brands, though 5% say they feel better about them.

  • Many CEOs are doubtful their companies can handle a volatile, increasingly complex business environment: 79% expect high or very high levels of business complexity over the next five years, and only 49% say their organizations are fully prepared to deal with that increased complexity, according to a study by IBM.

  • Apparently, nearly everyone is looking for a bargain these days, especially women: 93% of women age 16-54 who use mobile devices say they are always on the lookout for special offers; moreover, 68% of such women say they are interested in receiving discounts via their mobile phone, according to a survey from miBuys Ltd.

  • This is the strategy: Get company executives or yourself published in an editorial context for significantly greater marketing credibility than self-publishing another whitepaper that just sits on your website.