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  • Advertisers are warming up to online video as a means to reach targeted audiences: 56% of ad agency executives and media buyers say online video advertising is more effective or much more effective than other forms of advertising, and 83% say they are getting more value for their online video spend this year than they were last year, according to a survey from BrightRoll.

  • Online research is central to consumer shopping behavior: 50% of online shoppers say they conduct research online for at least one-half of their purchases, and 64% consistently read online reviews prior to making product purchase decisions, according to an e-tailing group and PowerReviews study slated for release in early May.

  • Most Americans (63%) say having remote access to their digital files would make life easier—but concerns remain over the security of personal information, including email, pictures, and financial records, according to a Harris Poll.

  • Homepage ads on Facebook that have social media context—that is, they include the names of users' friends who are already fans of the brand—are 4.0 times more likely than those that don't to increase purchase intent of a product or brand, twice as likely to increase awareness, and 1.6 times as likely to increase recall, according to a study conducted jointly by Nielsen and Facebook.

  • Cell-phone texting has become the preferred channel of basic communication between teens and their friends, although calling is a close second: 54% of teens say they sent and received text messages daily in September 2009, up from the 38% some 18 months earlier, according to a survey from Pew.

  • Marketers are doing a better job contributing to an organization's bottom line, but they are still more focused on managing metrics than managing performance, and most have yet to leverage insights from metrics and dashboards, according to a survey from VisionEdge Marketing in association with Marketo.

  • Automaker discounts and incentives prompted millions of consumers to visit auto manufacturer sites in March 2010, while political news and information sites recorded sizeable gains in traffic as Americans tuned into the debate over healthcare reform, according to data from the comScore Media Metrix service.

  • Foothill Dental gets it. It's not "doing social media" in the way we think of it. Foothill Dental does not have a Twitter account or Facebook fan page. It doesn't blog or answer questions on LinkedIn. It doesn't use Gowalla or Foursquare. Foothill Dental leverages the awesome power of email marketing. Here's how.

  • Will Google's latest search-engine algorithm update, dubbed "Caffeine," change search as we know it, or is it simply a minor update?

  • You know you've been successful in building your brand when your constituents have taken ownership of it. Achieving that happy state of affairs requires working through an entire process. But even then you're not there yet. You have to engage your organization first.

  • If companies are interested in outsourcing their marketing operations, what can they do to ensure that their plan is well thought out and effective? My counsel to this particular marketing executive was to keep seven mantras in mind.

  • Despite a downward spiral in revenues at virtually every traditional media company, most industry executives are optimistic about their financial prospects—and their ability to reinvent themselves in the digital age, according to a study from Booz & Company.

  • Brands that market their products using Facebook may have a distinct advantage over their competitors: 41% of Facebook users say the primary reason they join a fan page is to let friends know what products they support, and 68% say a positive referral from a Facebook friend makes them more likely to buy a specific product or visit a certain retailer, according to a survey from Morpace.

  • Though ad spending has softened in many sectors, the direct response ad—or infomercial—has registered 18% growth in total ad units since 2007 and now comprises 14% of all US TV advertising, according to a study from Nielsen.

  • More than four in five Americans (86%) say the volume (sound) of TV commercials seems louder than that of TV shows, and among those consumers 93% say they are bothered by the volume difference, according to a survey from Adweek Media/Harris Poll.

  • Though most company decision-makers view social media as essential to their business, most also say they have not made money from it: 54.2% of marketers and business professionals surveyed say social media is "innovative and invaluable to their business," but 64.5% say their companies have not increased revenue or profited from using social media, according to a survey from R2integrated.

  • Some 28.1 billion videos were delivered to US Internet users in February 2010, down 13.2% from 32.4 billion in January, and 174.2 million people watched online videos in during the month, slightly more than the previous month's 173.4 million, according to comScore data.

  • Mobile behavior varies dramatically across demographics: 70% of consumers age 18-29 say they send text messages using their mobile phone, compared with 49% of those age 40-49 and 11% of those age 65+, according to a Merkle Inc. study of mobile adoption and use.

  • The Yellow Pages are a valuable source of qualified leads: Most print and Internet Yellow Pages consumers either make or intend to make purchases after consulting those sources, according to a study by the Yellow Pages Association.

  • A tentative global economic recovery is beginning to fuel ad markets across the world: Ad expenditure is already accelerating in bullish developing markets, while the downturn is coming to an end more quickly than expected in the developed world, according to projections by ZenithOptimedia.