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  • Penetration levels of microblogging and social networking continue to grow worldwide, driven by increased adoption in emerging countries; but as the Web has evolved, Internet users have moved toward consuming and transmitting content rather than producing it themselves, according to Wave 5 of the GlobalWebIndex by Trendstream.

  • SMS marketing is a huge growth area for all businesses. It's cheap, easy to track, direct, and personal. Interested? Learn how to collect your customers' mobile numbers—and keep them open to receiving texts.

  • Only 12% of adult smartphone owners in the US say they use their phones to check in with geosocial services such as Foursquare and Gowalla, whereas 55% use their smartphones to find location-based directions or recommendations, according to a new report by Pew Research. Nearly six in ten (59%) smartphone owners use their phones to access social networking sites, while 15% use their phone to access Twitter.

  • Raw leads are neutral entities at first, but you can turn them into real prospects. Learn how to qualify those with high-value potential and move them to closed-deal status.

  • Digital moms are less likely than other online women to use social networking sites on a regular basis, but moms who do are more likely to interact with brands and post opinions about products and services on social sites and forums, according to Forrester Research.

  • What makes a great ideation session? The quality of the participants, the energy of the facilitator, and the range of creative exercises. But there are five guidelines that'll exponentially boost the odds of having a productive session.

  • Small and midsize companies (SMBs) continue to move marketing dollars to digital channels, according to BIA/Kelsey, which now forecasts digital spending among US SMBs to reach $16.6 billion annually by 2015—roughly 70% of total SMB marketing budgets.

  • Many businesses take great pains to build and nurture their offline brand, yet they drop the ball when they take their messages online. Avoid that problem with these five tips to connecting your online and offline identities.

  • In-house marketing executives say they want to be challenged by the agencies they work with, but only 3% say agencies most often lead the charge for marketing innovation in their companies, according to a new study by The Horn Group and Kelton Research.

  • Content is more than just words. Content experiences that are strategic, planned, structured, and measured can develop a new customer narrative that'll bring companies and customers closer than ever.

  • Mobile local search is growing at unprecedented levels: 77.1 million mobile subscribers accessed local content* via mobile devices in January 2011, up 34% from the 57.6 million who did so one year earlier, according to a report by the Local Search Association (LSA).

  • When a customer makes a purchase on your site, are you able to pinpoint exactly who to give credit to for the sale? Learn how Virgin Atlantic Airways tackled that problem.

  • US advertisers are expected to spend nearly $77 billion on interactive marketing by 2016—as much as they now spend on TV—according to a new report by Forrester Research. By 2016, search, display, mobile, email, and social media together are expected to constitute 26% of all ad spending, up from 16% in 2011.

  • Whether it's listening to an iTunes 30-second free snippet or grabbing a snack pack of chips, people like to sample. Apply that idea to marketing, and learn why it pays to create consumable, snackable content.

  • After being embraced early on by young adult men in the US, e-readers have become increasingly popular among women and older adults, according to a new report by Nielsen. Though tablet ownership is still dominated by men, growing numbers of older Americans are buying the portable devices.

  • Your customers will soon wield more and more power, becoming the most powerful communications channel. Are you ready for the new world of marketing? Learn the five keys to building a crowdsourced future..

  • One-quarter (25%) of online Americans strongly agree that a brand's presence on Facebook signals that it's interested in hearing what customers have to say, and another 51% somewhat agree with that statement, according to a survey from Polaris Marketing Research.

  • Buyers are now driving the buy/sell process once controlled by field sales, causing sales teams to miss their targets. But high-volume lead generation won't help. Here's why a "less is more" approach is the answer.

  • Ranked by videos viewed, gaming-focused entertainment network Machinima was the most popular YouTube video partner among male audiences in July 2011, delivering an average of 18.5 videos per male viewer during the month, according to data from comScore Video Metrix. VEVO led the way among female audiences with an average of 15 videos viewed per female viewer in July.

  • Do you know your audience? If you're taking a one-size-fits-all approach to website design, you could be alienating your core customers. Make sure you learn your audience's Web-usability priorities, behaviors, and preferences.