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  • When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

  • Part two of this series looks at measurement software tools, the pros and cons of logs versus ASP vendors, average conversion rates, and why it helps to track visitor activity using available software.

  • What stages must your brand pass through to ring the bell?

  • How does a writer develop a niche and stand out from the competition? Also this week, read your answers to last week's dilemma: How do we get paid what we are worth?

  • To help manage more complex marketing processes, marketers are increasingly turning to software technology known as MOM, or Marketing Operations Management. Here are 10 frequently asked Q&As about the technology.

  • Taking cues from tested marketing strategies, consider these six ways to increasing your marketing return on investment.

  • Marketers worth their salt must follow these commandments if they are to find the Promised Land.

  • How do you convince customers to buy in this time of uncertainty? And most importantly, how do you convince them to buy from you?

  • Few brand managers understand the behavior or physics of momentum.

  • Both large and small companies are missing opportunities to integrate blogs into the marketing mix.

  • This week: What are the elements that work or don’t work for a business Web site? Also this week: How to get your sales groove back.

  • his week: How can a small company overcome the pricing battle? Also this week: What are your definitions of these key marketing phrases?

  • Know thy customer and give them what they want is the fundamental principle of marketing. This idea is simple in theory, but increasingly challenging to put into practice. The challenge, however, doesn’t stem from lack of customer data.

  • When in Rome, you should definitely do as the Romans do. The goal is to localize.

  • If marketing to women is just good marketing, why are so many companies missing the boat?

  • You need to understand this powerful psychological trigger or you'll be leaving behind chunks of almost-guaranteed profits.

  • This first article in a three-part series answers specific queries about how to improve Web site conversion rates.

  • If your e-mails don’t get read, you have no shot at getting the publicity you so desperately need. Here's how to beat the odds.

  • nly one in three of you are passionate about your jobs and companies. What advice do you have for helping the other two-thirds of employees wake up and get their groove back? Also this week, read your answers to: How do I manage the creation of a presentation when there are multiple people playing the role of reviewer/approver?

  • Agreement on what and how to measure the forces that drive brands is hard to muster. But here is one suggestion: emphasize systems.