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  • Like jazz musicians, only those marketers with the talent, experience and discipline to innovate will succeed in this competitive world.

  • What do airlines do to stir up intense emotion in us?

  • It's important to get your money's worth when hiring an email services provider.

  • Most companies are missing a significant opportunity to maximize revenue and profits due to dysfunctional pricing strategies.

  • Your company needs to show its customers, through both word and deed, that it always acts in their interest.

  • This week, add your two cents to: What methods can a company use to increase exposure, other than the same ol', same ol'? Also: What marketing and selling activities will help an organization play in a tough niche field?

  • Blogs aren't for everyone. Consider both the advantages and the caveats.

  • "Neuromarketing" aims to map brain patterns and provide a more direct path to human decision-making.

  • Somewhere among high school's cliques, fads, teams, clubs and parties, we lived and learned the basics of marketing in ways that apply now, more than ever, in our cluttered, time-starved lives.

  • Here are five things to consider that will help you plan a successful test, set realistic expectations with your colleagues, stick to a budget, and wind up with actionable results.

  • Although "holistic" is often used to describe a particular approach to medicine, it is also appropriate to apply it to other disciplines, including search engine marketing.

  • "Marketing response modeling" is specifically designed to tell you which half of your ad budget is working, and which is not.

  • This week: How do you find the tools you need to be successful in a new marketing position? Also this week, read your answers to: How do you stand out from the crowd in an overcrowded field?

  • This week: what kind of marketing and selling activities can a company launch to get into a well-established market? Also this week, read your winning ideas for a marketing site extreme makeover.

  • The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 has not solved the spam issue, but it has put a lot of hurdles in front of legitimate email marketers.

  • Eliminate one or more of these common blunders, and your response will surely improve.

  • Well into the age of the soundbite, we're still hard-pressed to summon the elusive 60-second description of what it is we do, what our brand provides to those we serve and why it matters.

  • Here is a checklist of sorts that allows you to go through your Web site and evaluate its health and usability.

  • The traditional advertising agency is now facing competition on all fronts.

  • Because your Web site is such an integral part of your communication strategy, doesn’t it make sense to put more content control into the hands of marketing experts?