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  • Working lean can mean you don’t have an adequate budget, the proper supplies, or nearly enough help. How can you work with this?! Also: What's the single best source for competitive data?

  • ow does TiVo embrace its community of highly affiliated volunteer salespeople? doesn’t.

  • Business is about people, not machines. It is about relationships, not transactions.

  • The Catholic Church may well have stopped saying mass in Latin. Unfortunately, many Web sites might as well be written in that ancient language, for all the sense they make.

  • The majority of the PR industry continues to log behind in the blogosphere, seemingly unconvinced that the influential new medium is worth learning about.

  • f you don’t have the budget to hire yet another agency or would like to see your present agency or marketing team come up with cash-register-ringing promotions themselves, where do you and your team turn?

  • f you’re engaged in marketing you feel a need to apologize for, stop marketing.

  • hen a company is purchased, most people affected usually aren’t prepared. Come to the rescue with advice on how to prepare for an acquisition. Also: How do your marketing team and call center work together?

  • inding a niche, defining a paying market, reaching that market and serving it—that’s the game. Technology is a means to that end, not the end itself.

  • Mind the Gap


    our CFO is skeptical of your marketing initiatives because he sees them as the riskiest thing your company does.

  • hen we establish a position in the marketplace, we define ourselves. Which means, by definition, that we also let people know what we don’t do—and for whom we provide no value. And that strikes fear into the hearts of business people the world over.

  • Sure, the “shoehorn” approach be less costly and usually involves fewer alterations to an existing site than a comprehensive SEO strategy. But it has a primary drawback.

  • n effective headline is the most important aspect of any successful print ad.

  • Very often what gives you the emotional, hit-it-right-on-the-nose tools you need for successful writing are small nuances.

  • One of the biggest challenges an organization faces is to stop thinking it’s the center of the universe.

  • While the industry focuses on squeezing every dollar of value out of acquisition strategies, billions of dollars are being left on the table by campaigns that drive users to sites they can’t use.

  • What's your single best source for competitive data? Also, read your replies to the previous dilemma: which should come first, branding or sales?

  • This week's marketing dilemma: How to better coordinate call center and marketing teams. Also, how can an established company leverage its legacy into a new niche?

  • Just as it appears spam is going to render email completely useless, there is good news.

  • The value of a promotional campaign does not have to start and end with sales. Identify the "hot spots" on your site and set up a tracking system.