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  • Apple's iPod is a necessity with travelers, teenagers, fitness fanatics, students, business executives and, yes, even grandmas and grandpas. So did the iPod break the rules of staying with one target audience? How can you argue with one billion dollars in sales? Find out how the iPod looked at "target audience" in a different way. And how you can do not just the same, but actually do one better.

  • This week, add your two cents to the discussion: What should companies consider when deciding whether to launch a blog? What benefits do blogs offer? Also this week, read your answers to last week's query: What's the best way to reach decision-makers?

  • Companies who are excited about developing a corporate Web site and are gung-ho to get started is a beautiful thing. But, oddly enough, many companies falling into this category seem to be missing out on other essential branding fundamentals. There are several keys to developing a winning brand for your company, and an effective corporate Internet branding strategy is only part of equation.

  • This week, add your two pesos to the dilemma: What makes for an effective media kit? What works and what doesn't? Also this week, read your answers to last week's query: How do you prevent email newsletters from being perceived by filters as Spam?

  • The next time you broadcast a permission-based email to your customers, members or newsletter subscribers, monitor your response for the next 48 hours. That's when the vast majority—80%—of those who would open your message will actually open it, according to the results of our recent study. What's more, 95% of people who read your message do so within six days of your mailing.

  • The role of a product manager is challenging, complex and often misunderstood. But properly defining and structuring the roles and responsibilities of the product management team enables the team members to be more efficient and productive, leading to better revenues and higher-quality products that meet customer needs.

  • Regardless of whether you are in the service business or sell a tangible product, everyone needs to establish credibility, especially with prospective clients. But if you're a consultant, adviser or coach, then it's harder for your clients to evaluate the value of your advice and recommendations.

  • If you have clients (or bosses) who want you to write about who they are, you probably witness them thrusting a list of attributes in your face. On the list, you'll find the usual suspects: quality, commitment to service, out-of-the-box this and proactive that. But such vague attributes have little credibility. Instead, consider the following three techniques for transforming unclear attributes into compelling copy.

  • Web site performance is a critical and underappreciated component of Web marketing and e-commerce. In other words: it doesn't matter how well you design and market your site unless it delivers.

  • This week, add your two pesos to the dilemma: How can we quickly reach decision-makers? Also this week, read your answers to: What's the best way to collect and compare data?

  • With our focus on bold, blunt, "write-as-people-speak" prose in business, we no longer have any fancy phrases to lurk behind. We're on our own. Why has business writing become so much more direct in the comparatively short period of two generations or so?

  • We have wonderful tools today that will tell us the value of the physical things in our factories and offices. Now we need to create wonderful tools and disciplines to measure all our information assets.

  • The Fantasy: Your marketing budget is packed to the brim with money to help build your dream marketing team. You hire nothing short of the best. Life is good. The Reality: Your staff is overworked, your budget's tight and you complete about half of the projects on your to-do list. What's a marketing manager to do?

  • Marketing management is often relegated to communication, advertising and promotion efforts. It's hard to convince senior management that Marketing can produce moneymaking results. But that's what marketing managers need to do if they want to be recognized.

  • Have you watched too many well-meaning interviewees torn to bits on 60 Minutes? Heard your peers reel from being misquoted in the local paper? Do you worry that the media won't "get it" when it comes to your business? Working with the media is no picnic. When done strategically, however, it has the power to increase your company's visibility, boost your status as an expert in your field and drive business to your door. Here's how.

  • As we enter the early stages of the New Year, it is natural to think about and plan our marketing and business development activities for 2005. Whether you are a independent consultant, corporate executive or entrepreneur, consistent application of the following seven core marketing best practices will enable you to produce the kind of business results you want.

  • Growth opportunities are everywhere—especially when industry sales have flatlined and new prospects look grim. Sounds impossible? Not if you understand that there's a new breed of adventurous female customer waiting in the wings, ready to experience your products and services. Here's the story of one company that got it right, and the lessons we can all take away from their considerable success.

  • Old-school thinking demotes blogs to the domain of college students and frustrated authors battling writers block. New-school thinking elevates blogging to a much different sphere of influence. Journalists have embraced blogging -- both authoring blogs as well as consulting them for sources. And now blogging also has a place in the corporation -- in fact, it's actually good for business.

  • This week, add your two pesos to the dilemma: What steps can you take to ensure your email newsletters get through spam filters (and don't bounce back)? Also this week, read your answers to: What do you do when your audience doesn't respond?

  • Co-registration (or co-reg, as it is commonly known) is rapidly gaining ground as a media tactic. In the age of CAN-SPAM, and with an increased understanding in the market about the importance of user permission for effective email communication, co-reg is an attractive option for building a house list. This article discusses the most important issues to consider when crafting an insertion order (IO) for a co-reg buy.