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  • Mobile e-commerce is growing, and the big opportunities are still ahead of us. Check out this infographic to see why consumers resist purchasing on mobile and what retailers can—and must—do to change that.

  • High-growth companies are more likely than lower-growth firms to use account-based sales approaches, focus on cold-calling, and employ tech-savvy salespeople, according to recent research from DiscoverOrg.

  • The past year provided fertile ground for social media goofs and gaffes. Many marketers apparently didn't do enough thinking before they clicked on the tweet, post, publish, or share button. Here are some of 2016's biggest social media fails and the lessons they can teach us.

  • Marketers have had a notoriously hard time converting e-commerce customers via social channels, but it doesn't have to be that way.

  • Videos created by B2B companies continue to be viewed mainly on desktop computers, and they are still mostly watched during the workweek, according to recent research from Vidyard.

  • Social media is already an important part of the customer experience. Which is why marketers are using social listening for better targeting during the customer journey. Here are the social listening capabilities you need in your marketing strategy for 2017 and beyond.

  • The Internet of Things is growing so fast that there are already more connected devices than there are people. Check out this infographic to see what lies ahead both for consumers and for companies—and for the entire globe.

  • Which online ad creative elements capture consumers' attention? What types of online ad formats are most seen by visitors to content websites?

  • LinkedIn promises more targeting capability; Facebook tests ads on Messenger; Google+ finally builds an insights feature; Facebook replicates Snapchat's Story; Snapchat's offline ad targeting; why B2Bs are still wary of social; and much more...

  • A panel of senior business leaders at the MarketingProfs B2B Forum discussed their careers and offered advice on the path from modern marketer to CMO or CEO. These four common lessons emerged from the discussion.

  • Snapchat can be a great tool for marketing and advertising. This infographic explains some of its most useful and effective features.

  • Online searches related to Valentine's Day start increasing at the beginning of the year and peak in volume on the day itself, according to recent research from Bing Ads.

  • If you’ve been paying any attention, you already know: video has taken over. Whether you're a complete newbie or a novice looking to improve—and grow—an existing program, our experts will help you put video into the marketing spotlight.

  • Video content is becoming indispensable for your marketing efforts... Here's how you can create engaging videos and use your video content to build a loyal audience.

  • For nonprofits, social media marketing can be just as advantageous as it is for businesses. It's a great way to build support, grow your ranks of volunteers, and increase donations. But you need to be vigilant.

  • From customer loyalty to customer experiences to customer identity, 2017 promises to be a big year for customer-centric marketing. Check out this infographic for one company's predictions of the top trends we can expect to see.

  • College students in the United States are increasingly using Uber for transportation, Spotify for music, and Venmo for making payments, according to recent research from Fluent.

  • A brand's name can make or break a business. Naming expert Mike Pile of Uppercase Branding shares his secrets for winning the high-stakes name game.

  • Just because we marketers understand the power of video doesn't mean we use it to its full potential. If you're not using video in all the stages of the marketing funnel, you're leaving conversions and sales on the table.

  • What happens when your customers aren't happy? Poor customer experiences can affect your bottom line in more ways than you might know.