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  • Websites that display Twitter sharing buttons are linked to on Twitter nearly seven times more often than sites that do not display tweet buttons, according to a study by BrightEdge of some 4 million randomly sampled Twitter messages in August 2011.

  • Both face-to-face and virtual marketing are essential components of any company's communications strategy. Learn the benefits of both approaches and how they can be combined to maximize return on investment.

  • Email campaign performance improved slightly in the second quarter of 2011: Open rates grew 0.4% over levels recorded one year earlier, while click rates were virtually unchanged, and roughly in line with those established over the previous two years, according to Epsilon and the Direct Marketing Association's Email Experience Council.

  • Effective B2B lead generation, lead qualification, and lead nurturing programs are built on a rock-solid messaging platform—your offer. The most important aspect of a great offer is a deep understanding of what motivates potential buyers.

  • Nearly six in ten (56%) Facebook users who "like" brands on the social networking site say they are more likely to recommend a brand to friends after becoming a fan, compared with one-third (36%) of brand fans who say they're not likely to do so, according to a study by Constant Contact and Chadwick Martin Bailey.

  • President Obama's 2008 presidential campaign was successful because he created and mobilized advocates. Brands can apply that winning strategy, too—if they invest in and drive customer advocacy programs.

  • Google Sites led the US explicit core search market in August 2011 with 64.8% of search queries conducted, followed by Yahoo Sites with 16.3% and Microsoft Sites with 14.7%, according to data from comScore.

  • With email inboxes more crowded than ever, your message's successful arrival in the recipient's inbox is half the battle. The second half of that battle is standing out from the crowd. Here are three tips that'll help you get noticed.

  • Social networks and blogs now reach 80% of online adults in the US and together account for nearly one-quarter (22.5%) of the time Americans spend online, according to a report from Nielsen. That makes social media the top online category in the US, followed by online gaming, email, portals, search, and instant messaging.

  • If you're a small business, building backlinks to your website can be an effective way to gain traffic and increase revenue—no matter what your industry. Here are five ways to kick off your link-building with ease.

  • Total measured advertising expenditures reached $71.5 billion in the first six months of 2011, up 3.2% from the same period one year earlier, according to data released Kantar Media. Spending growth eased slightly during the second quarter, reaching $36.5 billion, up 2.8% from a year earlier.

  • Online marketers have a dirty little secret. They've got no idea what to do once they've earned enough social media "likes" to reach their goals. Here are five ways to turn those fans and followers into brand advocates.

  • When viewing Facebook ads that offer a "like" button, nearly equal proportions of men and women directly click the "like" button, but more women than men click on the ad itself. Younger adults, meanwhile, are more likely than older counterparts to directly click the ad's "like" button, whereas older adults are more likely to click on the ad itself.

  • More than ever before, brands today are shaped by customer experiences—including those online. Create positive digital experiences with these four tips that'll help you effectively build and manage your brand online.

  • Mobile commerce has become widespread in the US: 80% of smartphone owners say they have used their devices to help make buying decisions in the past year and two-thirds have made a purchase with their phone, according to a study by LEK Consulting. Moreover, mobile shopping apps are giving on-the-go consumers new ways to compare prices across stores and channels—and the added impetus to seek out the best deals.

  • To keep up with the ever-changing world of marketing, you've got to roll with the punches. As marketing channels emerge and evolve, so should your ideas, strategies, and metrics.

  • Penetration levels of microblogging and social networking continue to grow worldwide, driven by increased adoption in emerging countries; but as the Web has evolved, Internet users have moved toward consuming and transmitting content rather than producing it themselves, according to Wave 5 of the GlobalWebIndex by Trendstream.

  • SMS marketing is a huge growth area for all businesses. It's cheap, easy to track, direct, and personal. Interested? Learn how to collect your customers' mobile numbers—and keep them open to receiving texts.

  • Only 12% of adult smartphone owners in the US say they use their phones to check in with geosocial services such as Foursquare and Gowalla, whereas 55% use their smartphones to find location-based directions or recommendations, according to a new report by Pew Research. Nearly six in ten (59%) smartphone owners use their phones to access social networking sites, while 15% use their phone to access Twitter.

  • Raw leads are neutral entities at first, but you can turn them into real prospects. Learn how to qualify those with high-value potential and move them to closed-deal status.