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  • Many companies have the same overarching goals: increase sales, decrease costs, and reduce churn. But why don't they all succeed? It all boils down to mindfully setting objectives and implementing strong tactics to support them.

  • Despite Android's firm grip on the smartphone market, Apple's iOS is expected to reap the benefits of increasing consumer demand in smartphones over the next six months, according to a new report by Yankee Group.

  • We all know that our marketing materials solve our problems. But do they solve other people's problems? I invited Laura Fitton, founder of oneforty, to explore the idea of useful marketing in our latest Marketing Smarts podcast.

  • We've all seen them—those disastrous ads that make us cringe as marketers. Here is a detailed critique of one ad—gone terribly wrong—that'll help you avoid a host of pitfalls in your ad copy.

  • Social consumers—people who are active on various social networking sites—use mobile devices broadly in their social activities, such as checking in with social networking sites, sharing content, playing games, and finding deals, according to a study by the Pivot Conference.

  • Is a site redesign among your company's New Year's resolutions? To end up with a site that's built to last, you'll need a well-crafted RFP that covers all bases. Learn eight invaluable guidelines for creating your site redesign RFP.

  • Social networking is blurring the lines between people's personal and professional lives, particularly among younger generations, according to a new study by Millennial Branding.

  • The words "engagement" and "hypertargeting" are practically everywhere, but what happens when you combine the two? Learn how one company ran a diverse campaign that captured the interest of core, active, and casual fans.

  • Paid-search spending among high-tech and consumer-electronics advertisers grew 28% in the fourth quarter of 2011 over the same quarter a year earlier, and up 7% over strong spending in 3Q11, according to a report by Covario.

  • A website with poorly designed navigation can frustrate your visitors, cost you sales, and hurt your reputation. Learn how to enhance your site's navigation to showcase your content—and keep your customers coming back.

  • Visits to the invitation-only social networking site Pinterest skyrocketed in the second half of 2011, reaching 11.0 million as of December 17, up nearly 40 times the level recorded six months earlier, according to data from Experian Hitwise.

  • Despite best efforts, mistakes happen to every small business at some point. The key is not to panic, but to apologize to customers—the right way—and assure them that you are still worthy of their trust, confidence, and respect.

  • Many marketers approach SEO by targeting the keywords in their industries with the largest monthly search volumes, but they often neglect the "long-tail" or low volume keywords, which when combined with multiple keywords can total, or exceed, the volume of the one desirable search term, according to a study by Conductor.

  • Whenever we present content on mobile marketing, we get the question: What are the B2B applications? I've often wondered if B2B marketers could be thinking about mobile—specifically, mobile apps—in other ways.

  • Over the years, personal branding has proven to be an effective technique for enabling career success. But how we build our brands is evolving. Learn six personal branding trends for 2012 that'll help keep you ahead of the pack.

  • Facebook was the most popular search term and the most popular website in the US in 2011, according to an Experian Hitwise analysis of the top 1,000 search terms for 2011.

  • Now that 2011 is in our rearview mirrors, it's time to focus on 2012. Though the email marketing environment shifts especially swiftly, five dominating trends from 2011 will continue to reign this year.

  • Despite continued business volatility, global executives plan to increase corporate spending cautiously in 2012—particularly the areas of IT (information technology) and marketing—according to a survey conducted by Doremus and the Financial Times.

  • Nowadays, the marketer's world is chaotic and cluttered. Effectively meeting a myriad of demands can seem impossible. That's why connected marketing solutions are critical to success in today's marketing landscape.

  • More than three-quarters (77%) of the Top 100 global brands had a Google+ page as of December 19, 2011, up 16 percentage points from the 61% that did so a month earlier, according to research by BrightEdge Technologies.