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  • In a digitally driven world, the human element can get lost. Nothing can replace face-to-face rapport, which is why events can do wonders for your sales—certain types of events more than others, depending on your brand and positioning. These three types of events can boost your sales.

  • Marketers need to keep up on the state of voice search, because it's changing how consumers search for information. Users are speaking into their smartphones and to voice assistants to find out about your business, products, and services. Check out this compilation of voice search statistics.

  • Even if you put on an otherwise perfect event, a horrible registration experience can be disastrous for your company. Registration done wrong will color how attendees feel about your event, viewing your brand in a negative light. Here's how to create a positive impression instead.

  • If you want a website designed to convert visitors into customers or potential customers, and you're banking on SEO to bring you targeted visitors, a low-cost solution or vendor can often cost you more in the long run. So how do you choose?

  • Chatbots, robots, digital assistants, automated vehicles, virtual assistants... They (and much more) are the products of artificial intelligence, which is poised to transform entire industries. Here's an overview of the current state of AI, all in one (very long) infographic.

  • Most marketers believe that their team does not take enough creative risks, according to recent research from The Creative Group.

  • LinkedIn ad expert AJ Wilcox shares secrets for using Linkedin Ads to generate high-quality leads and nurture them to achieve better sales results.

  • Although the use of marketing automation is increasingly widespread, most businesses say they still need to improve their capabilities in various key areas, according to recent research from Act-On and London Research.

  • Nearly 30% of Americans, that's some 70 million people, regularly listen to at least one podcast. For any business, that's a huge opportunity to tap into a market hungry for content, especially in niche areas of interest. Your podcast audience is waiting for you...

  • Digital experiential technologies are redefining everyday processes and influencing a variety of industries, from retail to real estate. See how retailers can harness AR and VR to propel their marketing initiatives, enhance the shopper experience, and drive sales.

  • Modern B2B buyers are acting more like consumers and demanding frictionless, convenient buying experiences. But delivering those experiences is easier said than done. Here are five key considerations for enabling your marketing and sales teams to exceed buyer expectations.

  • Who doesn't want job satisfaction and more productive employees? Happier faces at the office are certainly good for company morale, too. This infographic offers tips, advice, and helpful hints on how to be happier at work.

  • Your welcome emails set the tone for the relationship with your subscribers. If recipients come to know, like, and trust you, they're more likely to open, click, and buy from your future emails. Here are five elements of a welcome email series that'll tip the scales in your favor when you're ready to promote your offers.

  • You produce marketing content, and you're considering video because it engages audiences as no other content can. But how much does a video cost to make? It's tough to find an accurate and one-size-fits-all answer—because there are numerous considerations. This infographic breaks those down for you.

  • Here's some good news for marketers: The amount of advertising spend lost to online bot fraud is declining, according to a recent report from White Ops and the Association of National Advertisers (ANA).

  • If you're a marketer, you're also a writer. Embrace it! Improve the skills you already have so you can tackle new, more challenging projects with confidence. We've got the perfect toolkit to help you create marketing writing success.

  • Brand safety is being redefined by consumers. Marketers today need to look beyond just making sure their ads don't appear in controversial contexts. Brands' usage policies, partnerships, and even political campaign contributions are now in play. Here's advice on how to keep your brand safe.

  • There's a reason account-based marketing is exploding in popularity among B2B marketers. It's because ABM is making B2B marketing more effective than ever. Having seen firsthand what ABM can do, seven B2B marketing leaders offer advice and insight on how to boost your ABM efforts.

  • Leaders of small and midsize businesses say the top personal characteristics necessary for running a successful firm are self-discipline, people skills, and passion/drive, according to recent research from Salesforce.

  • Marketers are drowning in martech alphabet soup. They must sort through that haphazard collection of acronyms that vendors have created to market their products. Then, marketers have to select the right acronym and the right vendor. Avoid the unhealthy hassle.