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  • Millennials shop differently from other generations, so any marketer who wants to woo this notoriously brand-loyal generation has to know what they're up to and how they shop. Here's an infographic to explain just that.

  • Traditional radio continues to reach more US adults each week than any other media channel or any type of digital device, according to recent research from Nielsen.

  • Some 90% of customers say they find video helpful when making shopping or buying decisions. But using video in marketing isn't always straightforward: You have to pick the right video for each stage of the marketing funnel.

  • You want your customers and potential customers to think of your content less as annoying advertisement and more as valuable, useful, or enjoyable marketing. Consider these seven types of content proven to help you increase leads and optimize conversion rates.

  • Most Americans are dealing with work emails after office hours, including checking their inboxes on weekends and while on vacation, according to recent research from Reachmail.

  • Learn how we marketers can graduate from the tried-and-true daily blast email to take a more personalized, targeted approach—and why it is so critical to our businesses that we do so.

  • Is your blog working as hard as it should? Check out these five tips for generating more engagement and leads from your blog.

  • Most marketing and advertising executives expect to keep the size of their creative (nontechnical) staff steady in the second half of 2017, according to recent research from The Creative Group.

  • Facebook to spend millions on original shows, hits major user milestone; YouTube's VidCon announcements and its experimental app open to all; Instagram tires to make you share more; Reddit's big video effort; why you can't just focus on paid social; more!

  • Just because freelance writers aren't employees doesn't mean they aren't a valuable part of your marketing team. Here's how to seek out those who are right for you and bring them on board, and what signs to look for that they might not be working out.

  • What do exhibitors really think about tradeshows? How do they choose to attend, and what are their budgets? This infographic highlights results from one survey of tradeshow exhibitors and illustrates trends in the channel.

  • Consumers in the United States rate Wegmans, Publix, and as the most socially responsible companies, according to recent research from The Harris Poll.

  • Sometimes, your content crashes and burns. That might mean no one reads your article, it doesn't get shared, or you get bombarded with nasty comments. But, all that's OK. In fact, it might be for the better.

  • When a brand story is crafted correctly, consumers will be proud to associate with and represent your brand, and they will market it of their own volition via word-of-mouth.

  • Google AdWords can be an extremely cost-effective way to advertise and reach customers all over the world. This infographic explains how AdWords works—and how it can improve your ROI.

  • Which phrases in headlines are most effective in encouraging people to engage with articles on Facebook? To find out, Buzzsumo examined the performance of 100 million article headlines published this year.

  • Branding is vital in today's crowded marketplace of companies, ideas, and products. And though most of us understand visual branding with images, colors, logos, etc., few understand that sounds and music can align perfectly with brand attributes—and set your brand apart.

  • Jay Stocki of Experian Marketing Solutions explains addressable advertising—what it is, how it works, and why it's the future of TV advertising.

  • Oh, what a tangled web we weave... when we merge and acquire so many companies! This interactive infographic sorts out which companies own which digital brands and how they are connected.

  • Most marketers find social media influencers for campaigns by reaching out to them directly rather than by using influencer platforms or talent agencies, according to recent research from Bloglovin'.