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  • The fall TV season premieres attracted record online viewership in September, with nearly 26 billion videos delivered to 168 million US Internet users during the month.

  • An ancient proverb states that a "cord of three strands is not easily broken." By way of analogy, I hypothesize that the more individual connections to a particular person you have, the stronger your overall relationship with that person will be. In constructing my social graph (i.e., my network of connections), I build relationships at three sites: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. In some cases, I have connections with individuals on all three networks. The connectivity usually begins on one network and gradually extends to two or three networks and sometimes more as we get to know each other. It seems logical and natural to continue the relationship cycle, building to sites where we both have a presence. If the "cord of three strands" philosophy is true, what are the top-three social networks for business?

  • Although football metaphors abound in business, this article explores the idea of "outkicking your coverage," which is when an overly strong player can actually be harmful to a team's performance. "Outkicking" refers to when an exceptional punter kicks the ball so far down the field that the runner for the receiving team, aided by his blockers, actually has a greater chance of gaining precious yardage for the big play. Essentially, the punter has created an opportunity for the competition because his team is unable to be in proper position. How does "outkicking your coverage" apply to business and marketing?

  • Take a minute and think about the folks with whom you socialize. You may have a professional network (LinkedIn) and a personal network (Facebook). You may tweet for fun or business, or for both—or maybe you just follow some sports figures on Twitter to keep up to date on the latest trade rumors. Regardless of how you use social media, you are using it, and those you socialize with are like-minded folks. What does all that have to do with making your email "social-able?" Everything.

  • Search-engine optimization (SEO) provides several return on investment (ROI) measures that can have a positive impact on a company's bottom line far more visibly than most marketing tactics. Yet despite all the potential, and the many SEO success stories, it can still be surprisingly difficult to make a case for investment in this marketing tactic.

  • Your site visitors are not one big herd of cattle moving from Point A to Point B. So to optimize response, you need to segment your visitors and your analysis.

  • Post-click marketing at its most basic is a conversion path rather than a single landing page. People who respond to your ad land on a path. As they move along this path, they make choices that give you information.

  • Have you heard the concept of “giving the gorilla the banana”? In post-click marketing, the gorilla is the audience you want to convert and the banana is the reason they clicked your ad in the first place.

  • The type of landing experience that’s best for you depends on the situation. Check out these guidelines to make sense out of the options.

  • Message Mapping


    Landing page strategy is about rising above the tactics of landing page optimization to focus on post-click marketing at a higher level. In the spirit of that mission, I’d like to share with you the idea of a “message map” that can be used for broader landing page planning.

  • When you’re in the trenches of post-click marketing, it’s easy to forget the relationship of what you’re doing to the wider context. This is especially true in lead generation because of the significant number of variables that impact success.

  • The art of aligning your strategic objectives with the needs within your clickstream is critical to targeting your message and converting those people who are the best fits for your offering.

  • Sheena Iyengar is a full professor in the Management Division of the Columbia Business School. I learned of her work in Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink. Iyengar is one of the leading experts on choice, and how choice impacts our decision-making. She is also my new hero.

  • Sometimes, when we talk about segmentation, we can get caught up in thinking about it as merely categorization—we’re deciding what labels to put on people into and who belongs where. This is like thinking of segmentation as a kind of filing system.

  • Segmentation is immensely valuable. Behavioral targeting of ads is hot because—surprise, surprise—when you give people more relevant messaging and content, you get better results.

  • Pre-conversion segmentation offers you a chance to learn far more than what you can learn after conversion because you're dealing with a much larger pool of respondents.

  • Why is so much effort put into the pre-click piece and so little effort put into the post-click piece? It's one puzzle after all.

  • Small differences in the quality of customers' post-click experiences tend to create big differences in conversion rates.

  • Social networking sites accounted for more than 25% of all UK display ad impressions in August. Although younger social networkers were delivered the highest percentage of ads, a sizable percentage of impressions reached every age group.

  • Kanye West and Jon & Kate Gosselin topped the list in a survey of likely Halloween costume choices this year based on a celebrity mistake. Jon & Kate also swept the top spots in a question about which reality TV stars should have their own costumers.