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  • Social media stories dominated the list of most popular marketing charts and articles in MarketingProfs in 2010. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Wikipedia, figured prominently in seven of the Top 10 articles, which also covered subjects such as email, mobile, marketing budgets, and content marketing.

  • Do you use freelancers to keep up with the online content boom, despite your fear of compromising your brand? Here are six simple steps to keeping freelancers in line with your brand identity.

  • Although content marketing spans across industries and company sizes, B2B marketers recognize the need to improve the effectiveness of their efforts, according to new MarketingProfs research of B2B marketers. Our analysis of the survey data reveals a dozen recommendations for creating relevant content that will have a direct impact on sales.

  • As social media marketing matures in 2011, a host of new challenges will likely confront marketers, including increasingly cluttered social platforms and growing privacy concerns, according to projections by Forrester Research. Thus, even more than content, personality, or responsiveness, social media's new currency in 2011 is likely to be trust.

  • How does advertising yield improve when targeting digital ads to certain audiences? How much influence does the type of content users are reading when the ad is shown have on yield? This article summarizes the results of an extensive study on the subject.

  • The ad recovery is gaining momentum: Total US measured advertising expenditures reached $94.06 billion in the first nine months of 2010, up 6.4% from the same period a year earlier, according to data from Kantar Media. Ad spending in the third quarter was up 8.7% over 3Q09 levels—the largest quarterly gain since the end of 2004.

  • Marketing accountability was a key topic of the last decade, and as 2011 kicks off—it looks like that's not going to change. Learn the five marketing-accountability resolutions that will improve marketing measurement and performance as you start your new year.

  • Google's Android mobile operating system (OS) is rapidly gaining market share in the US—particularly among new smartphone buyers—though it hasn't overtaken Apple's iOS, according to a report from The Nielsen Company.

  • Like it or not, your content is constantly battling through the daily avalanche of contemporary media to reach its intended audience. Learn The Five Commandments of Editorial Excellence and conquer your content.

  • Though the adoption of emerging Web activities such as social media is still dominated by Millennials, older generations are making sharp gains, according to Pew Research. Moreover, key Internet activities such as email and search are becoming more uniformly popular across all age groups.

  • Staying ahead of personal-branding trends will keep you visible and vital in your marketing career. Learn these 11 personal-branding trends for 2011, and let your brand take center stage.

  • Online video is becoming more important as a source of business information and as a driver of work-related buying decisions among today's senior executives: 83% are watching more online video today than they were a year earlier and 65% say they have visited a vendor's website after watching a work-related video, according to a survey from Forbes Insights.

  • In an Internet business environment that expects immediate results, online marketers have overlooked the power of SEO, or organic search, as a top revenue-generating channel. It can also teach you how to run your business in a smarter way.

  • Digital media is trouncing traditional channels among up-and-coming Millennials: 81% of affluent Gen-Y adults use Facebook every day—roughly double the number who read newspaper content (45%) or watch TV (44%) daily, according to a new study by L2. Moreover, 45% of such consumers read at least one blog every day.

  • Facebook was the top-searched term overall in 2010—as it was in 2009—accounting for 2.11% of all searches, according to an Experian Hitwise analysis of the top 1,000 search terms for 2010. Moreover, Facebook was the top-visited website (for the first time) in 2010, accounting for 8.93% of all US visits, Experian found.

  • More than one-half of senior executives (56%) say they are optimistic about business prospects in their industries over the next six months, up 11 percentage points from the 45% who said so a year earlier, according to a survey from Doremus and The Financial Times.

  • When it comes to social marketing, there's power in numbers. Our thoughts and behavior patterns are shaped by the opinions and actions of others, especially those we know and respect. Find out how to grab and keep their attention by using "social proof."

  • Networking is the best job-search method and generates more than 80% of new hires. Constantly nurturing your relationships and strategically developing new contacts puts you on the inside track to plum job leads. Learn how to flesh out your network in just 12 days with these job-market secrets.

  • Cloud computing is a transformative technology that is expected to have a revolutionary impact on the business of marketing. Learn how you can gain a competitive advantage using the three platforms of cloud computing.

  • Retailers, marketers, and service providers are at an ideal point to capitalize on a massive opportunity to elevate the classic brick-and-mortar shopper experience by embracing emerging mobile technologies. Don't miss the opportunity to use these budding technologies to evolve the customer experience and boost profitability for your company.