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  • Tradeshows remain one of the most effective ways to market your brand. But it's essential to understand who your key targets are—and aren't. Implementing a well-thought-out engagement strategy will lead to qualified customers and increased event ROI.

  • Among 255,431 social media conversations focused on Super Bowl ads, Volkswagen, Doritos, Pepsi, Groupon, and Motorola were the top 5 advertisers, garnering the most social media mentions from December 1, 2010 to February 6, 2011, according to a study by Alterian. Microblogs, (e.g., Twitter) were the top media source, comprising more than two-thirds of such conversations.

  • As an editor and marketer, I think about how to translate marketing ideas into actionable steps. But sometimes it's good to take stock of the bigger picture. Here are some big trends I see shaping B2B marketing in 2011.

  • Google's Android operating system (OS) accounted for 40% of smartphone visits to Myxer's mobile content site in December 2010, up from 12% a year earlier, toppling the once unshakable BlackBerry from its leadership position for the first time, according to a report by Myxer.

  • Many organizations struggle to capture, organize, and effectively act on Web data to drive marketing programs. Here is a five-step path to help marketers develop their capabilities and expand the use of Web analytics to deriving behavioral-insights that fuel interactive marketing.

  • The Apple and Google brands had the most significant impact online in the fourth quarter of 2010, generating "impact values" of $941.5 million and $875.8 million, respectively, based on high volumes of online media buzz and social media conversation, according to a study by General Sentiment that assigns a dollar value to a brand's online exposure.

  • If your idea of giving your website a social life entails having a "follow us on Facebook" link on your homepage, you might want to take a second look at your analytics. Learn why and how B2B marketers should socialize better on the Web and boost results.

  • Nearly one-half of mobile apps users (47%) say when using apps, they click or tap on ads more often by mistake than on purpose, suggesting that click rates may not be the best measurement of mobile ad effectiveness, according to a survey from Pontiflex.

  • Every industry—including the email marketing community—has its own jargon. Whether you send email campaigns (as a marketer) or receive them (as a consumer), you should know the following 17 terms to successfully navigate the world of email marketing.

  • Among popular social marketing channels, user-generated content stands out for driving return on investment: 73% of surveyed CMOs say their companies facilitate customer ratings and reviews; among those, 59% report average or significant ROI—making ratings and reviews the top social strategy to generate measurable return, according to a report by Bazaarvoice and the CMO Club.

  • Website redesigns have become an addiction. Every year or two, Marketing decides it's time to "freshen up the ol' site." But before you go out and rebuild the most important weapon in your marketing arsenal, make sure you have a well-defined plan for success.

  • Companies reporting the heaviest use of Web 2.0 technologies—particularly those deploying them beyond their own corporate walls—are deriving the greatest value, including more-effective marketing, stronger collaboration, and increased market share, according to a study by The McKinsey Global Institute.

  • As companies embrace the idea of aligning their decentralized sales and marketing teams, they sometimes make counter-productive decisions. To successfully align Sales and Marketing—and, ultimately close more deals—dodge these five common mistakes.

  • More than 70 million US mobile users—roughly 30% of all mobile subscribers—accessed email via mobile device as of November 2010, up 36% from the 51.6 million who did so a year earlier, according to comScore Media Metrix. Meanwhile, fewer visited Web-based email destinations during the period, and spent less time on such sites when doing so.

  • Cloud computing is a revolutionary operational model that's changing how IT is managed and delivered. Successfully marketing the cloud requires understanding it and effectively communicating its benefits to prospects.

  • The amount of time online Americans spent tweeting and reading tweets on Twitter grew an estimated 18.9% in 2010, while the number of US online adults paying a monthly visit to the microblogging site fell 14% during the same period, according to data from Experian Simmons DataStream.

  • Product, price, place, and promotion are the four Ps of marketing. These days, however, there's a frenetic obsession with promotion, confusion about place, and a hectic battle over price. Amid the chaos, that first P is often overlooked.

  • Despite anticipated increases in 2011 digital and social marketing budgets, only 30.0% of marketers say they have a strong understanding of social media conversations happening around their brands, according to a survey from Alterian.

  • Writing is a vital component of various marketing-related tasks. Effective writing can improve sales pitches, enhance brand value, and perfect ad campaigns. Spruce up your marketing with these five tips.

  • Yahoo Sites comprised the top-ranked Web property in December 2010 attracting 181.2 million unique visitors, followed by Google Sites with 179.3 million and Microsoft Sites with 177.0 million, according to comScore Media Metrix service. Meanwhile Amazon recorded its highest month of traffic on record from the holiday shopping surge.