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  • Differentiating a brand today requires expanding brand management from a traditional product, price, place, and promotion focus to a focus on customer experience as well. Here are four strategies that'll make your brand shine.

  • Business professionals working in the legal, retail, and software industries are most likely to take action—such as download a whitepaper, start a free trial, or make a purchase—after clicking on an ad, according to a study by Bizo. Those working in certain job functions, such as operations, legal, and sales, are also more likely to act on ads.

  • What should a business look for in a chief content officer—the key person responsible for sharing and creating its content? To succeed in this important role, your ideal candidate should have these critical (but not so obvious) skills.

  • Yahoo Sites comprised the top-ranked Web property in April 2011 with 187.4 million visitors, followed by Microsoft Sites with 178.9 million and Google Sites with 175.9 million, according to comScore Media Metrix service. CareerBuilder captured a spot on the top 50 ranking for the first time in April, at No. 43, while Netflix jumped six spots to No. 36, attracting 28.6 million visitors during the month.

  • The ever-increasing interdependence between search and social media should be viewed as an opportunity rather than a threat. Learn how to use both strategically, and boost your marketing effectiveness.

  • More than two-thirds of companies (68%) plan to formally deploy iPads or other tablet computers by 2012, with sales force automation applications, particularly cloud-based systems, a key driver of that adoption, according to a survey from Model Metrics.

  • If children learn from fairy tale characters and their actions, online marketers can learn to evaluate and improve their online campaigns—and end up with a much healthier ROI—from fairy tale antics, too.

  • More than three-quarters of US microbusiness owners say they are very (42%) or extremely (35%) happy to work for themselves, according to Vistaprint's newly launched Small Business Happiness Index, which tracks the pulse of US microbusinesses. Moreover, 35% say they wouldn't even consider working for someone else.

  • Do you know where you stand after a tradeshow? Research suggests that very few companies measure the tradeshow results that have a direct impact on funding and strategy. Gain insight and close leads with these tips on collecting, analyzing, and applying tradeshow data.

  • Though most email is still read via webmail channels, some 16% of email messages were viewed via mobile device in March 2011, up 80% (7 percentage points) from 9% six months earlier, according to study by Return Path. Such mobile activity occurred steadily during the early part of the week, with increased activity beginning on Thursday into the weekend.

  • Though no one can deny the explosive popularity of social media, some hard-core justifications for its B2B use have yet to be laid out. Consider these four points before leaving social media out of your B2B marketing strategy.

  • Though the use of social media among the nation's smallest businesses surged in 2010—a trend likely to continue in 2011—email and brand websites are still the two most effective marketing tools for small businesses, according to a survey from Constant Contact.

  • The 2010 census results will be released this summer, and marketers should expect major demographic shifts. To cope with these changes, I recommend adopting three approaches for your email, mobile, and social marketing.

  • Fully six in ten marketers (60%) say they plan to increase spending on virtual events and environments in 2011, while 42% plan to decrease spending on physical conferences and tradeshows during the year, according to a survey from Unisfair.

  • The corporate community has recently recognized the potency of using storytelling strategically—to position brands, transform business, and engage and align employees. Here are four distinguishing facets of strategic storytelling that'll help you better understand what it is and how it works.

  • Email and search marketing still have the greatest influence on consumers' online buying behaviors, whereas social media, though it generates awareness, is rarely associated with direct revenue, according to a study by Forrester Research and GSI Commerce.

  • Marketers tend to race headlong, hell-bent after the next shiny toy. But at what price? I'd suggest at the price of our credibility. Here are five things to consider before racing to deploy the next new shiny toy.

  • Emails campaigns sent on Memorial Day are more successful at engaging audiences, driving higher transaction rates than other holiday-related mailings, including those sent on Valentine's Day, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, according to a study by Experian CheetahMail.

  • New tools are popping up each day to help marketers collect an abundance of data, but that data doesn't always translate to insight, let alone intelligence. Learn how to make the most of your time—and your data.

  • Although Google is still the most important source of referred traffic to major news websites, Facebook is growing in importance, driving as much as 8% of total visits to some websites, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.