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  • Is your LinkedIn business page up there with the best? It should be... After all, it's a sought-after online destination for business networking, hiring, and even financing.

  • The No. 1 factor that separates B2B sales winners from their challengers is that they educate buyers with new ideas and perspectives, according to a recent report.

  • The good news is that you don't need an MBA and you needn't have taken an accounting class to figure out the basics of your cost structure and an associated billable rate.

  • Naming your new company or product is a huge opportunity. Get it right, and you could put your brand on the map, generate buzz, and spark interest among customers. Get it wrong, and you might render your brand invisible—or call attention to it for all the wrong reasons.

  • Author Mack Collier talks to Marketing Smarts about his book Think Like a Rock Star and the ways companies can meaningfully connect with their best customers (and biggest fans).

  • The rollout of Gmail’s new Tabs feature, which organizes inbound messages by category, has not significantly affected how many marketing emails most consumers read, according to a recent study.

  • Here are three sets of email best-practices for turning prospects into actual customers, extracting value from active customers who eagerly make purchases, and retaining customers for the long term.

  • Need to hire staff to help make social media marketing part of your brand experience? Make sure the folks you choose possess these 10 super powers.

  • Although most webinar registrants sign up within a week of the scheduled date, starting promotions more than seven days before the event can still increase audience size up to 36%, according to a recent report.

  • The saying "people buy on emotion and rationalize with logic" has been around so long that people rarely question it. But in content marketing, you need to question it. Otherwise, you run the risk of either not providing people the right information or—worse—alienating your audience.

  • The popularity of whitepapers as a B2B content marketing format is declining in relation to more interactive, easily digestible formats such as video, according to a recent survey.

  • With each passing decade, marketers' ability to better understand their customers through data deepens. The following infographic shows how marketers' use of data has evolved and how they can plan for the future.

  • Summer's nearly over, but the social space is just warming up. Get the latest on Geek Week, Twitter, Facebook, Jeff Bezos's WaPo buy, Yahoo's absorption of Rockmelt, and responsive design. Skim up to geek out!

  • All marketing practitioners are seeking ways to save money and get a bigger bang for their budget buck. How to do that isn't at all obvious. But, sometimes, the answer can be staring you in the face!

  • Projects on Kickstarter that have videos are 85% more likely to achieve their funding goals, according to a recent report by MWP.

  • The passionate emotional enthusiasm (and sizable financial expenditures) that 1D inspires among its massive global fan base is not a fluke: It's the result of a meticulously nurtured loyalty-building strategy.

  • Attention is a scarce resource—and that means it's a costly one. In a world of hundreds of competing voices, art and music have become a powerful way to bring a brand back into the spotlight.

  • Top-performing brands on YouTube understand that consistent and frequent content production leads to increased views, according to recent report by Pixability.

  • Today's marketers have a lot of questions about programmatic advertising: Where do I start? If I automate my bids, will I be sacrificing quality for "low rent" inventory? How much control will I have over where my ads appear?

  • In our world of branding and marketing, we know how crucial it is to share knowledge and information among colleagues and teams. But what if you have marketers working in different locations and time zones across the world?