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  • The Grateful Dead teaches us to show our brand's playfulness and to trust that our customers will recognize our brand even if it looks a little "different." By loosening up your brand, you allow your company to show its personality—and, by extension, its ability to roll with the punches.

  • Previous installments of this article series have describe the importance of relevance in direct digital marketing and three of the five keys to achieving a relevance-centered approach. This article looks at the fourth key: taking an incremental approach to creating more relevant, valuable communications every day.

  • Eigen values are what marketers use when we're doing our best work. Once we view everything that our brand does through the prism of eigen-value standards, it changes how we launch our websites, train our customer-service people, and hire our employees. Want to see how an eigen value plays out in real life? Look at Vibram and its FiveFingers shoe.

  • Part 1 and Part 2 of this article covered the first 10 of the 13 worst marketing mistakes. Here are the rest of the top 13 marketing mistakes you should avoid at all cost.

  • Tentative growth in the US advertising market has begun to propel the global ad recovery, prompting a revised forecast of global ad expenditure, now projected to grow 3.5% in 2010, up from the 2.2% forecast in April, 2010, according to projections by ZenithOptimedia.

  • Email open and click-through rates declined sharply in 2009, especially in the latter half of the year, with performance levels varying dramatically by industry and email list size, according to a study by MailerMailer, which also found that open and click rates tended to be highest on Sundays.

  • More than 177 million US Internet users watched video content in June, also viewing more than 4.3 billion video ads, with Hulu generating the highest number of ad views at 566 million, according to Video Metrix 2.0 data from comScore, Inc.

  • Companies with strong alignment between marketing and sales departments have fared better during the economic recession, reporting higher levels of new customers, revenues, and customer retention than those with low alignment, according to a study by Miller Heiman and Northern Illinois University.

  • Weakening economic signals are having their effect on the employment outlook for digital and direct marketers in the third quarter (Q3), according to the latest quarterly employment report by Bernhart Associates Executive Search, LLC.

  • Marketing automation—one of the new buzzwords in marketing—bridges the gap between lead generation and the sales force. Its goal is to improve Sales and Marketing alignment by passing over only sales-ready leads. There are really good reasons why you should be interested in marketing automation. There are really bad ones, too.

  • If you're like most people, you live in a world where blame often happens in a systematic and predictable way. People simply have a tendency to believe the fault lies with someone else—and that someone else can be you. Of course, the process can work in the opposite direction, too... as when you are always right and someone else is wrong.

  • Most marketers are eager to achieve a level of engagement with current and prospective customers, but the majority stop dead in their tracks when they consider this question: Where am I going to find the time to develop all the content necessary to do it? But here's a little secret: Engaging customers online with content does not have to be difficult.

  • This article originally addressed the seven worst marketing mistakes. But seven wasn't nearly enough. The list grew until it reached unlucky 13. Here is the next batch of marketing mistakes you should avoid at all cost.

  • Though Google continued to dominate search in June, accounting for 71.65% of all US searches conducted in the four weeks ended June 26, Bing's share of searches reached 9.85%, up 7% from May, according to Experian Hitwise data.

  • Despite the residual signs of the economic recession in 2010, marketers have some reason to be optimistic: 53% of marketing professionals say their salaries have increased in 2010 from a year earlier, according to the annual salary survey from the American Marketing Association (AMA) and Aquent.

  • Spain and the Netherlands may be the World Cup final contenders on Sunday, July 11, but official World Cup advertisers in the US and UK also scored big with TV viewers during the first half of the tournament, and their ads outperformed those of non-sponsors, according to Nielsen.

  • Most online teens (90%) use at least one social networking site—with Facebook still their top social destination—but nearly one-fifth (19%) of teens who have created a Facebook profile say they no longer visit the social site or are using it less, according to a survey from Roiworld.

  • Gamers are as passionate about their gaming consoles as auto buyers are about their cars, according to a survey from Ipsos Loyalty.

  • The manufacturing sector is showing early signs of recovery: 70% of industrial-sector marketers expect their sales to increase in 2010 over 2009 levels and 31% plan to increase their marketing budgets—with much of those dollars earmarked for online channels, such as video, social media, and search, according to a survey from GlobalSpec.

  • The employment outlook for marketing and advertising is showing signs of improvement: 91% of marketing and advertising executives say they are confident in their firms' growth prospects for the third quarter of 2010, and 18% say they plan to increase staffing levels, up 5 percentage points from the 13% who said so in the previous quarter, according to The Creative Group Hiring Index for Marketing and Advertising Professionals.