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  • Visitors age 35-54 comprised 35.4% of Facebook's user base in December 2010, down 3.6 percentage points from a year earlier, while Facebook's share of its youngest users (under age 18) and oldest users (age 55+) made the year's biggest gains, according to comScore.

  • With Valentine's Day here, I'm reminded that marketing is like dating. You have to attract leads and differentiate yourself from the competition. Steer clear of these five mistakes, and build long-term relationships with your customers.

  • More than four in five consumers say they have "broken up" with at least one brand on Facebook, Twitter, or email because of irrelevant, too frequent, or boring marketing messages, according to a study by ExactTarget and CoTweet.

  • It's that time of year again. Valentine's Day is looming, and you're still alone. But are you marketing yourself well enough? Make these simple tweaks to any website—including your online dating profile—to improve success.

  • Millennials depend on social networking sites more than any other age group for personal connections and self-expression—but Gen-X adults are most likely to value recommendations about products and services on social sites, according to a report by GfK Mediamark Research & Intelligence (MRI).

  • Whether customers are motivated by curiosity, personal interests, or commercial goals—it's crucial to know why they'd want to collaborate with your business. Here are three motivational forces that drive collaboration.

  • Email campaigns that target loyalty program members are more successful at engaging their audiences, generating higher open rates, transaction levels, and revenue per email, according to a report by Experian CheetahMail. Even email campaigns inviting prospects to join loyalty programs tend to outperform bulk promotional mailings.

  • Outsourcing creative marketing functions may bring big cost savings to some, but going with an agency might not be the best route for others. Here are nine benefits and a few drawbacks to consider when contemplating outsourcing.

  • Some 63.2 million Americans owned smartphones in the three-month period ended December 2010, up 60% from a year earlier, according to data from comScore MobiLens. RIM led the smartphone platform ranking with 31.6% of US market share, while second-ranked Google accounted for 28.7%, up 34.1% from the three-month period ended September.

  • Tradeshows remain one of the most effective ways to market your brand. But it's essential to understand who your key targets are—and aren't. Implementing a well-thought-out engagement strategy will lead to qualified customers and increased event ROI.

  • Among 255,431 social media conversations focused on Super Bowl ads, Volkswagen, Doritos, Pepsi, Groupon, and Motorola were the top 5 advertisers, garnering the most social media mentions from December 1, 2010 to February 6, 2011, according to a study by Alterian. Microblogs, (e.g., Twitter) were the top media source, comprising more than two-thirds of such conversations.

  • As an editor and marketer, I think about how to translate marketing ideas into actionable steps. But sometimes it's good to take stock of the bigger picture. Here are some big trends I see shaping B2B marketing in 2011.

  • Google's Android operating system (OS) accounted for 40% of smartphone visits to Myxer's mobile content site in December 2010, up from 12% a year earlier, toppling the once unshakable BlackBerry from its leadership position for the first time, according to a report by Myxer.

  • Many organizations struggle to capture, organize, and effectively act on Web data to drive marketing programs. Here is a five-step path to help marketers develop their capabilities and expand the use of Web analytics to deriving behavioral-insights that fuel interactive marketing.

  • The Apple and Google brands had the most significant impact online in the fourth quarter of 2010, generating "impact values" of $941.5 million and $875.8 million, respectively, based on high volumes of online media buzz and social media conversation, according to a study by General Sentiment that assigns a dollar value to a brand's online exposure.

  • If your idea of giving your website a social life entails having a "follow us on Facebook" link on your homepage, you might want to take a second look at your analytics. Learn why and how B2B marketers should socialize better on the Web and boost results.

  • Nearly one-half of mobile apps users (47%) say when using apps, they click or tap on ads more often by mistake than on purpose, suggesting that click rates may not be the best measurement of mobile ad effectiveness, according to a survey from Pontiflex.

  • Every industry—including the email marketing community—has its own jargon. Whether you send email campaigns (as a marketer) or receive them (as a consumer), you should know the following 17 terms to successfully navigate the world of email marketing.

  • Among popular social marketing channels, user-generated content stands out for driving return on investment: 73% of surveyed CMOs say their companies facilitate customer ratings and reviews; among those, 59% report average or significant ROI—making ratings and reviews the top social strategy to generate measurable return, according to a report by Bazaarvoice and the CMO Club.

  • Website redesigns have become an addiction. Every year or two, Marketing decides it's time to "freshen up the ol' site." But before you go out and rebuild the most important weapon in your marketing arsenal, make sure you have a well-defined plan for success.