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  • Many large companies—the Goliaths—have played it conservatively. They have stayed true to their customers and socked away their excess cash for a rainy day. Well, it’s raining now.

  • We've identified what has become known in current marketing-speak as the "metrosexual."

  • To better understand how people’s distortions, shortcuts and biases affect how you market to various stakeholders, you should be aware of people’s thinking patterns and perceptual filters, including your own.

  • Self-disclosure is the hardest piece of the communication puzzle. Yet, it's critical.

  • The Web may once have been the almost exclusive domain of techies. Today, it is increasingly the domain of communicators.

  • he positioning a product is obvious if a market exists already. But what about avant-garde or cutting-edge products and services? How do you position a brand-spanking-new product when the so-called market doesn't know what it is, let alone have a sense of its value?

  • There are a number of tricks we can use to beat the affliction, and they work for pretty much everything from an email to a brochure or business proposal.

  • As a presenter, shift away from expressing your individual style of communicating. Instead, adapt your presentation to the audience’s style of decision-making.

  • f you want to get across just how important Web metrics can be, here's what you need to explain to your boss, depending on what type of boss you have.

  • Here's how you can differentiate your list from your competition's and command an even higher CPM.

  • The challenge comes in extracting your knowledge, and turning it into a publication-quality article with the least pain and effort.

  • Should every company be adding a blog to its site?

  • ind out the precise psychological reasons why headlines entice us.

  • When a brand goes online, what expectations do consumers have? What information is anticipated? Motivating?

  • nderstanding the way consumers evaluate whether or not a brand extension "fits" with a core brand is central to the success of the brand extension. Often, marketers misunderstand the way their customers think.

  • Here's a number of processes you can put in place to ensure that your site is both fresh and compelling.

  • Compelling quotes are not happy accidents; they are gems mined from logically-ordered transcripts of well-planned interviews.

  • Chris's theory of communication -- whether he's the reader or writer, the listener or speaker -- is that both sides need to reach beyond themselves to make any kind of meaningful contact. That's especially true in marketing.

  • In an industry with much product commoditization, brands help distinguish competitors in the mind of customers. How does the concept of branding translate online?

  • Here are some of the dynamics and concepts that contribute to a cogent value proposition.