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  • inding a niche, defining a paying market, reaching that market and serving it—that’s the game. Technology is a means to that end, not the end itself.

  • Mind the Gap


    our CFO is skeptical of your marketing initiatives because he sees them as the riskiest thing your company does.

  • hen we establish a position in the marketplace, we define ourselves. Which means, by definition, that we also let people know what we don’t do—and for whom we provide no value. And that strikes fear into the hearts of business people the world over.

  • Sure, the “shoehorn” approach be less costly and usually involves fewer alterations to an existing site than a comprehensive SEO strategy. But it has a primary drawback.

  • n effective headline is the most important aspect of any successful print ad.

  • Very often what gives you the emotional, hit-it-right-on-the-nose tools you need for successful writing are small nuances.

  • One of the biggest challenges an organization faces is to stop thinking it’s the center of the universe.

  • While the industry focuses on squeezing every dollar of value out of acquisition strategies, billions of dollars are being left on the table by campaigns that drive users to sites they can’t use.

  • What's your single best source for competitive data? Also, read your replies to the previous dilemma: which should come first, branding or sales?

  • This week's marketing dilemma: How to better coordinate call center and marketing teams. Also, how can an established company leverage its legacy into a new niche?

  • Just as it appears spam is going to render email completely useless, there is good news.

  • The value of a promotional campaign does not have to start and end with sales. Identify the "hot spots" on your site and set up a tracking system.

  • Writing by committee ends with too many words and too little focus, and it is a colossal waste of time. That is, unless....

  • Branding has grown into far more than a marketing buzzword, as an increasing number of organizations recognize and value their brands as strategic assets that are built through deeds, not merely words or images.

  • ow do we foster loyalty in a world full of product and price parity, and full of skeptics, cynics and other “freethinkers”?

  • What practices constitute “screen-scraping”? Is “scraping” really illegal? What does this line of cases mean for your business?

  • It makes sense that a company’s marketing messages, content and other output work to meet the needs of its sales reps and the requirements of the selling process, right? Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen.

  • Let's talk PDF newsletters. Yes, they sound retro. But a PDF printed out has heft, tangibility and a look of authority. And get this: Some publishers swear by them.

  • Sun Tzu lived in northeastern China about 2500 years ago and was considered an expert in military strategy. Many successful leaders (like General Patton and GE's Jack Welch) follow his principles. Sun Tzu wrote about four areas that we could apply to the testing of marketing strategy: speed, strengths and weaknesses, alliances, and successful market capture.

  • How do you keep a successful marketing process on an even keel when internal struggles threaten to shut it down altogether?