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  • hen you move offices, change leadership, merge with another company or completely redefine your product or service do you maintain customer loyalty?

  • Voicemail messages typically have all the charm and immediacy of an airport announcement. The same problem frequently inflicts email autoresponders.

  • What customers are looking for first and foremost is value—not the monetary kind of value, but value that impacts a person’s life.

  • RSS is positioned to become a mainstream content delivery and consumption tool, but first a few things need to happen.

  • hat can you do to differentiate yourself in this highly competitive environment?

  • Are you worn out by the frenzied pace of change in our new economy? Well, welcome to the new world. Fundamental shifts in commerce and consumer psychology have permanently changed the competitive landscape for years to come.

  • Making offers that get accepted is about listening and asking the questions that elicit vital information— knowing what your client really cares about.

  • The fulcrum of this headline is the word “these.” You absolutely must read further to find out what the mistakes are.

  • Holiday sales are expected to rise a whopping 22 percent over last year. What can you do to get a chunk of that cash? Also: How do you develop a coherent Web marketing strategy?

  • The marketing approach that can carry you through these difficult economic times is built on the following five essentials.

  • While empowering employees is key to retaining them, surrendering too much may come back to bite you. Heed the warning signs.

  • How many companies call themselves “customer-centric” while failing to see issues through customers’ eyes?

  • How do you pitch quality over products that smell like a rush job and look and act cheap? Also: what's the best way to promote high-quality products that require some investment of time and dollars?

  • Let’s dispel a big myth—that the Internet is changing so fast, it is impossible to plan for. That is absolute rubbish.

  • So what's the big deal with RSS? Here are the basics.

  • Speaking at public forums often results in new business. So how do you get the gigs?

  • hile California's new spam law is aimed at spammers, its wake is rippling toward every legitimate email marketer.

  • Does your marketing campaign tend to go suddenly quiet? One psychological factor could throw your entire marketing campaign out of whack.

  • ime to face facts: our marketing strategies are stale and our customers are exhausted and (worse) bored. We need something in the mix that is enticing, a new approach without all the preservatives and additives.

  • How can you make strategic planning more productive? Also this week: How to market with a bare-bones staff.