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  • his week, weigh in with your own two cents: How can PR pave the way to recovery for a company coming out of financial difficulty? Also: How do you maximize loyalty during a transition?

  • n the United States, TiVo enjoys a passionate customer universe that rivals Krispy Kreme’s. Yet TiVo still hasn’t made the leap to the mass-market phenomenon of customer evangelism. Why?

  • There are ways of making the intranet work quite well for an organization.

  • How do you write sizzle successfully when you’re selling something intangible to people who aren’t customers—but are almost as important?

  • ake these definitions as a starting point to think about how you might use a blog as part of your Web site or communications strategy.

  • When content is so cryptic as to be frustrating, it’s anti-content. It undermines the goals of both the author and the reader.

  • Bringing financial intelligence into the intelligence mix offers new insight into the potential value of strategic and tactical alternatives.

  • Finally, organizations are getting serious about how they manage their intranets.

  • Technology migration refers to the movement of customers from one (old) technological generation to another (new). But convincing customers to migrate can cause severe migraines for managers.

  • Every successful business starts with a plan that details where the company expects to be in three to five years and broadly touches on how it will get there. An articulated communications strategy can help support your company’s efforts in meeting the goals of its business plan.

  • Why is the average user’s performance on the Web still riddled with frustration and, well, unresolved and repeated errors?

  • When an organization is trying to build a professional image, should it attempt to save money on professional printing by opting for lesser-quality color copies? Also this week: How do you develop a coherent Web marketing strategy?

  • So, as the leader of a small business, how do you succeed in a dynamic world of increasing complexity with a much larger set of competitors?

  • ne simple factor -- one little tweak -- will incite your customers to buy. Instead of confusing them, you'll be inspiring them.

  • How will marketing play out in reality? How will your marketing goals materialize?

  • Are marketers chasing rainbows in setting impossible objectives around sustained growth, brand differentiation, persuasive advertising, profit maximization and knowledge management?

  • You’ve got to decide what your brand stands for, and communicate that value proposition effectively and repeatedly. It’s not good enough to just run a quality business—you’ve got to let everyone know what sets you apart from the pack.

  • Now just a House vote and a presidential signature away from becoming law, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 merits some scrutiny by the online marketing industry to figure out whether the end of spam is in sight.

  • hen you move offices, change leadership, merge with another company or completely redefine your product or service do you maintain customer loyalty?

  • Voicemail messages typically have all the charm and immediacy of an airport announcement. The same problem frequently inflicts email autoresponders.