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  • It’s up to us to make sure others inside our organizations fully understand the contribution and the promise of marketing.

  • Marketing executives invest a great deal of time and money building the brand, only to see it diluted at the most critical point—in front of the customer.

  • Publishing third-party articles on a Web site is a marketing strategy that can be right for one site, yet wrong for another.

  • Because of what is known as split-testing or test runs, direct marketers rarely get it wrong. Why then do other “professionals” rarely pay attention to this incredibly powerful strategy?

  • Converting a Webinar registrant to a customer takes more than a powerful presentation on the day of event.

  • Just because a Web surfer’s visit is short and fleeting doesn’t mean that the relationship is without significant value.

  • This week, weigh in with your own suggestions to: How do we create a PowerPoint slide deck everyone will love? Also this week, read your answers to: What's the best way to break into the marketing field?

  • Marketers can get so convoluted in our embrace of techniques and technology that we forget about the five keys to direct marketing success.

  • Contrary to what you may believe, the brain doesn’t think by choosing what it wants. In truth, the brain eliminates what it doesn't want.

  • Without quality metadata, a Web site cannot properly achieve its objectives.

  • A new book by the brains behind one of the world’s most successful loyalty programs tells why most programs miss the mark.

  • This week: What's the best way to convince management of the value of training? Also, read your answers to: What's the best way to network for better and more frequent PR coverage?

  • When you use jargon words and phrases in a presentation, you risk losing credibility. Here’s a list of words that can get you into trouble.

  • We need to move from seeing our Web sites as a series of projects to managing them as a well-planned process.

  • While technologists may be well prepared for digital convergence, lawmakers seem to have been caught by surprise.

  • If you’re not thinking about how to use blogs in your business, you’re missing a big opportunity.

  • This week, add your own two cents to the current dilemma: How can recent grads or those looking to change careers break into marketing? Also this week: Help! We’re getting flattened by a boss’s steamroller!

  • rad Hill's popular books take highly technical concepts and present them in ways that are acccessible to the average reader. Here, he shares his take on the current and future search engine landscape and discusses his latest "Dummies" book.

  • When you prepare an important presentation, be sure to make the effort to make your copy flow.

  • Storytelling is a powerful communication tool that marketing and advertising professionals use to promote their companies’ products or services. But stories are also effective as a leadership tool.