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  • B2B marketers who are recognizing the limitations of today's email-marketing and Web-analytics applications for generating qualified sales leads are switching to lead-generation solutions to ensure a continuous stream of qualified leads. Keep these five points in mind to ensure that you make a purchase that meets the needs of your company.

  • For many sales professionals, prospecting or qualifying is the least favorite aspect of their job. Often, in the rush to dig into a new account and make a new sale, only a cursory attempt is made at qualifying, and the salesperson ends up spending time with the wrong people. In this era of hyper-competition and limited resources, how can sales professionals qualify and select the right prospects with whom to spend their valuable time?

  • As a competent, well-prepared media spokesperson, you will earn the respect of the reporters while positioning yourself as a thought leader and elevating your company's position in the marketplace.

  • The value of creating passionate users is becoming clear to brands wishing to thrive in the "experience economy." Provide an experience that is useful, usable, desirable, and differentiated... and you will create demand for your brand and delight your customers. This article is not about just visual design. As designers of digital experiences, what are we doing to develop compassion toward the users we are designing for?

  • Baby Boomers may still hold the purse strings, but a new generation of savvy 18- to 40-year-olds are changing the way all of us do business. It doesn't matter whether you're a rock band, a fashion designer, a nonprofit organization, or a sporting goods outlet, you and your team need to understand what makes this new generation tick.

  • Referrals are one of the most effective ways to gain business. But what's the best conversations, email newsletters, blogs, articles?

  • People have long conducted market research. Not with fancy focus groups or complicated conjoint analysis, but just by asking questions and listening to the answers. Using this art of listening is so crucial to the success of your company's marketing, that to deny it is to invite failure. Follow along as we show you how to use marketing research to funnel knowledge into your marketing programs.

  • Traffic is good, but ultimately it's all about conversion.

  • If people pay attention to what interests them and ignore everything else, how can you break through the clutter with a message that people care about? All you have to do is press your customers' hot buttons.

  • The most important areas of marketing are the three Ps: positioning, presentation and panache.

  • Have you ever reached for a brownie when you were trying to lose weight? Or stayed in bed when you intended to go to the gym? Or put off paying bills because it was "too much of a hassle"? There are lots of different ways in which we sabotage ourselves. This is true of life in general and also true of the writing life.

  • Learning from past experiences to improve future actions is an important characteristic of human nature. Obviously, the world of business is no exception. To advance the field of corporate strategy, or better yet, to advance the search for a universal formula for enduring corporate success, it is imperative to use a broader perspective and start by asking two simple questions....

  • We all want press coverage. We all have visions of the rest of the world valuing us, our companies, and our contributions. But what happens when a reporter really is on line one? A blessed few can pick up the phone and say brilliant things. The vast majority of us panic.

  • Most companies have a policy that puts the customer first, but too often that policy isn't implemented by the people on the front lines. Why is that?

  • Marketing Operations is an emerging discipline with the potential to significantly increase performance and accountability in complex marketing organizations. It addresses the seven deadliest marketing sins that plague organizations of all sizes by leveraging a strong front-end infrastructure to reinforce marketing strategy and back-end programs and tactics. Is your organization ready for a change?

  • Do you remember a time when most restaurant meals were the sit down, full-service, dessert-included variety? Even if all you wanted was a cup of soup or a simple salad, you were offered the blue plate special with everything at one price. Then the culinary folks came up with small plates, a la carte items, tastings, pairing menus, buffets and the like.... Similarly, high-tech companies have stopped serving everything one way with a side of structured licensing? Where once companies had to select / install / customize/upgrade, now we're allowed to use smaller-scale online services that do one thing really well, without integration and without customization.

  • If you're marketing in a highly competitive keyword space or providing products and services with little or no name recognition, you should consider creating branded keywords and driving their search demand with buzz.