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  • What's the best way to get big results from a small budget?

  • Look to dream with the R&D team if you want marketing to be valued as a leader of future cash flow.

  • We all know about ADD—Attention Deficit Disorder. The larger problem, in terms of getting response to our communications, is TDD—Time Deficit Disorder.

  • Are you ready to transition a product into new markets or define next generations of a solution? Knowing in which direction to take your product and marketing strategy can be difficult to determine, taking many months and using significant resources. The following six steps can help you jumpstart your strategy-planning efforts with a streamlined and effective approach in developing a targeted product and market strategy.

  • According to a survey recently published in Gallup Management Journal, a startling 69% of workers are either not-engaged or actively disengaged on the job. Further research from the firm estimates that approximately $370 billion is lost annually due to lower productivity from actively disengaged workers alone. So what can you do about this alarming trend?

  • Quick—is your marketing mobile? Can your message reach your on-the-go audience and can your in-motion customer interact with you wherever they are? In the past, as long as you were advertising out-of-home, you could have answered "yes." But today, unless your media plan contains a significant amount of mobile-compatible mediums, you are not optimizing your reach. Here's how.

  • Hiring managers are googling you—as are your clients and business partners. Maybe you're being googled right now as you read this article. Personal googling is a phenomenon guaranteed to impact your career. Do you know what Google says about you?

  • Web marketers don't sit in labs, mixing and testing search engine formulas. Good Web marketers form online relationships by joining discussion forums, subscribing to e-newsletters, visiting blogs, and introducing themselves to online media. So get inspired and get yourself out there.

  • Viral marketing focuses on leveraging existing social networks by encouraging customers to share product information with their friends. Here are some key insights that all marketers should use as they develop word of mouth campaigns.

  • Simplicity is probably the most important underlying factor when it comes to the performance of any Web page... whether your homepage, an interior page, a sales page, or a landing page. Here are six ways to keep your pages simple and increase conversions.

  • Many marketers make an all-too-common error in the way they present their story: They don't speak the language an executive audience uses and values. Here's how can you master the language of business.

  • Why do you want a blog? Simply put, blogs make it easy to communicate more effectively with the audience you care about. They're the easiest way to update a Web site, provide simple and effective ways of automatically organizing the content you create, and notify your audience when your site has been updated. A blog can also allow you to collect feedback from that audience. And blogs are a great complement to the communications technologies you already use, such as email newsletters, conference calls and mailings. If you're ready to jump in and get started, the following short checklist offers some essential steps you'll want to follow.

  • How does an organization doing business both offline and online overcome the perception that it's only an Internet company?

  • Specialized and targeted audiences are great, but what about those Fortune 500 advertisers that still wish to reach a truly LARGE audience? The author challenged his R&D team to develop a new advertising vehicle that delivers a true mass audience. The following are the lessons they learned about reaching big audiences.

  • Writers face specific challenges when writing a home page. In fact, home pages can be tricky, simply because your page not only has its own job to do but also has to support a group of second-level pages. Here's how Nick approaches the task... whether a site has a total of 10 pages or a thousand pages.