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  • Americans are in love with their tablets: 91% of people who own a tablet say they take their device to bed with them, and 15% say they would give up their car in order to keep their tablet, according to survey from Yahoo and Ipsos MediaCT.

  • Marketing automation companies are steadily rolling out new features and new versions of their products. What changes can you expect? Here are four cool ways marketing automation tools are evolving.

  • Though online marketing is still a work in progress for many organizations, most corporate management teams are fully supportive of digital investments, driven by the benefits of improved marketing ROI, stronger customer analytics, and richer online engagement, according to a report by the CMO Council.

  • Running an A/B test requires resources, so it pays to know how to conduct tests for the maximum benefit to your organization. Here are eight of the most important lessons on running a successful A/B testing program.

  • In this week's Marketing Smarts podcast, Summer Joy Boone, director of assimilation and social media at a Florida church, and Janet K. Altman, principal and marketing director at the second largest accounting firm in Florida, offer unique perspectives on a host of marketing topics.

  • Nearly six in ten CEOs (57%) expect social media to become a dominant method of engaging with customers over the next five years, more than triple the 16% who say social media is now a top way to engage customers, according to a study by IBM.

  • What happened when a Canada-based religious order turned to social media to reach women who were hearing God's call to the religious life? It worked wonders. Learn invaluable social media tips that led to the group's success.

  • Think mobile is for consumer audiences only? Think again, B2B marketers. Learn why mobile marketing is ideal for B2B marketing, and how three simple words—better, faster, easier—can help you win over your B2B audience.

  • Global digital out-of-home media (DOOH) revenues, generated by digital place-based networks billboards and signage operators, grew 15.3%, to $6.97 billion in 2011, and are forecast to accelerate 19.2% to $8.3 billion in 2012, according to data from PQ Media.

  • Do your online marketing efforts consider the cultural context of your target market? Learn why cultural understanding is critical to online marketing—and how to implement cultural qualification in your strategies.

  • Dealing with on-the-job distractions is a constant part of every marketing professional's day, according to a new survey by The Creative Group. Ad and marketing executives say the longest they can work on a task without being interrupted is 30 minutes, on average.

  • Companies that struggle to realize the impact of analytics often blame the solutions they have in place. But communication flaws could be to blame. Here are five ways analysts can enhance communication within their teams.

  • Though B2B marketers use a variety of platforms for social media marketing, a plurality (30%) cite LinkedIn as their most important channel for social outreach, according to a report by BtoB Online, which also found that increasing numbers of B2B marketers are fully engaged with social marketing.

  • The popularity of daily deals shows no signs of abating. But how can you ensure your deals effectively appeal to subscribers? Learn examples of daily deals strategies that work wonders—and those that flop.

  • In this week's episode of Marketing Smarts, author Maddie Grant explains why the new world of communication afforded by social media requires that organizations shed their mechanistic perspective—and become more human.

  • Many B2B businesses are ignoring the consumer insights that social media can provide, according to a report by Satmetrix. Only 49% of surveyed B2B brands track what consumers are saying about them via social channels, compared with 78% of B2C companies that do so.

  • A major change is afoot in the way people are spending; they are moving away from one-time buying and toward subscribing to services. That shift means more revenue opportunities for marketers—and big changes in how they market.

  • Nearly two-thirds (66.2%) of national brands invest in local marketing (i.e., they conduct marketing campaigns directed at customers in their local markets) but only 42.0% measure the return on investment (ROI) of such efforts, according to a new study by Balihoo.

  • Why is agile marketing imperative to marketing today? Here are four reasons marketers should implement agile marketing—and seven expert tips for those thinking of starting their own sprints and scrums.

  • Though people use a variety of social channels to log in to third-party websites, Facebook still dominates social login, according to a report by Janrain. Facebook accounted for 45% of social logins in the first quarter of 2012, followed by Google with 31%.