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  • Worldwide online advertising revenues are forecast to reach $61.0 billion in 2010, up 12.4% over 2009 levels, according to MagnaGlobal. It forecasts global online advertising to grow 11.7% in 2011—and thereafter by an average annual rate of 11.0% through 2015, reaching $103 billion in global spending that year.

  • Among social media channels, LinkedIn accounts for the greatest number of referred visitors to B2B websites, but Wikipedia is more effective at delivering relevant and serious leads, according to a study by LeadForce1. In addition, visitors referred to B2B websites from Wikipedia spend more time on those sites once they arrive.

  • With the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa set to begin on June 11, US Internet searches related to the World Cup during the week ended May 29, 2010 were up 10% from levels recorded a week earlier, and up 64% from a month earlier, according to Experian Hitwise.

  • Most companies do a fairly good job keeping pace with technologies. But the harder, yet more rewarding, work involves keeping up with how people use the Internet to learn, communicate, shop, and entertain themselves. By matching your Web presence to your customers' Web habits, you stand the best chance of winning their confidence and cash.

  • There's no shortage of advice about which strategies work or don't work for services marketing. Yet they seem to conflict with each other regularly. So what's the scoop? Which ones work? It's less a question of which ones work than it is which ones will work for you given the dynamics of what you sell.

  • Facebook has more than 400 million active users who collectively spend more time on the platform than on any other website in the world, sharing detailed information about their likes, dislikes, and preferences. No wonder advertisers are salivating at the chance to reach Facebook users with precisely targeted ads.

  • To some, June means the official start of those lazy days of summer. To many retailers, though, June is a busy month, because it's when they pick up extra revenue from those shopping for "Dads and Grads"—Father's Day and graduation season. How do you get your share of that revenue?

  • Most online consumers (53%) now own a smartphone or Web-enabled mobile device, and among them 35% say they participated in some type of mobile shopping in the previous 12 months, such as comparing products and prices, up from 17% who said so a year earlier, according to a survey from PriceGrabber.

  • The blogosphere is now dominated by younger adults age 21-35—those who have grown up during the blogging revolution—and bloggers in the US account for the plurality (29.22%) of blog posts worldwide, according to a study by Sysomos.

  • Nearly seven in ten (69%) adult Internet users—or 52% of US adults—now use the Internet to watch or download video content, and 14% have uploaded video to the Internet—nearly double the 8% who did so in 2007—according to a report by the Pew Research Center.

  • Anyone who sees the iPad in action, or gets their hands on one, seems to want one—but, when surveyed, over one-half of consumers (52%) say they don't need an iPad, and 38% say the new tablet is too expensive, according to research from Retrevo.

  • New digital and social media tools are more likely to be under the strategic and budgetary control of corporate PR and communications rather than marketing departments, according to a study by the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism.

  • Social networks are the fastest-growing mobile content category, both via application and for browser access, confirming the increasing popularity of social networking via mobile devices, according to data from comScore's MobiLens service.

  • Millennials are hard to sway using traditional advertising and media channels that don't promote interaction: Only 17.7% say their favorite TV spot has led them to purchase an advertised product, while nearly one-half (48%) say that word-of-mouth communications influence them more than TV advertisements, according to a study from Mr Youth and Intrepid.

  • Some 30.3 billion videos were delivered to US Internet users in April 2010, down 3.0% from 31.2 billion in March, and 177.8 million people watched online videos during the month, down 1.3% from 180.2 million in March, according to comScore data.

  • Fewer than one-half (45%) of B2B companies have only the basics of a social media presence—such as a Twitter and Facebook account, or a company blog—and only 32% are engaged in social media on a day-to-day basis, according to a survey from White Horse.

  • Consumers are more likely to visit a CPG website—rather than social networks—for brand information and promotional offers, but they prefer Facebook for connecting with other customers and sharing opinions about CPG brands, according to a survey from Ipsos Marketing, Consumer Goods.

  • Newspaper websites in the top 25 markets continued to grow at rapid rate, reaching 83.7 million unique visitors in April 2010, up 10.1% from a month earlier, and up 15.0% from January 2010, according to data from comScore Media Metrix data released by Newspaper National Network LP (NNN).

  • With social media a hot ticket item and social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube making it easy to share, people are spending a lot of time offering free advice and sharing knowledge publicly, yet they are not asking for anything in return. But it's OK to ask.

  • Every time we hear or read "Hispanic market," we also hear the tagline "acculturation level." So what is acculturation, and why is it vital to take it into consideration? Because without segmenting this increasingly important market by level of acculturation, you'll never be able to speak their language.