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  • Google Android strengthened its lead in the US smartphone market as of February 2011, accounting for 33% of smartphone subscribers, up 7.0 percentage points from the previous three-month period, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service.

  • Everywhere you look, people are talking about "communities"—how to find them, how to join them, and... if you're lucky, how to successfully sell your products and services to their members. Here are five steps to engaging online communities and finding and maintaining your fanatics.

  • Most women use Facebook to keep their friends informed about what they are doing, but few have tolerance for friends who use the site to brag or over-share, according to a survey from Eversave, which also explores group-buying preferences among women.

  • Brand Beckham —the husband-and-wife team of soccer star David Beckham and former Spice Girl Victoria—is worth an estimated £145 million ($226 million). How are they worth so much years after their prime? Here's how.

  • Total measured advertising expenditures increased 6.5% in 2010 over 2009 levels, to $131.1 billion, according to data released by Kantar Media. Ad spending in the fourth quarter of 2010 was up 7.0% compared with the same period a year earlier, driven by small advertisers ranked outside the Top 1,000.

  • When I saw this ad, I thought it was a joke. A parody, a satire, a lampoon... anything but what it really is—totally legit and serious. If ever there was a marketing message completely unaware of the modern zeitgeist (and offensive), this ad is it! Here's what not to do when creating your next ad.

  • QR codes are popping up in more and more places, from billboards to business cards, and mobile consumers are responding: 32% of smartphone users say they have used a QR code and 70% say they would be interested to do so, either for the first time or again, according to a survey from MGH.

  • It's one thing to design a product to be greener, but it's all for nothing if the consumer uses it (or disposes of it) irresponsibly. Here are four examples of companies that went green (with their customers) and profited as a result.

  • Nearly one-half of marketing executives (48%) now use content curation—the process of continually finding, organizing, and sharing relevant online content that caters to a specific audience—according to a survey from HiveFire.

  • Visits, pageviews, unique visitors, click-throughs... the list of metrics for digital marketing performance is endless. Often it's up to online marketers to decode the jargon to execs. Here are five ways to do just that.

  • In an environment saturated with new and evolving media platforms, TV is still king: 71% of Americans rate watching TV on any device among their favorite media activities, according to Deloitte's annual survey on technology and media. Meanwhile, smartphone and social-networking use continues to increase.

  • Your online marketplace encompasses the vast sprawl of the Web. That means endless opportunity. But it also means that a single, centralized location point becomes more important than ever before. Learn how your website—and content—can turn visitors into loyalists.

  • Although a brand's coolness is important to up-and-coming Millennials, most surveyed Gen-Y Americans say a brand should be up-to-date (36%) and should have its own style (33%) to be appealing, according to a study conducted by InSites Consulting and MTV.

  • Ever wonder how fans of Apple are the brand's biggest advocates? Marketing is about understanding your customers enough to empower them to be evangelists for your cause. Here's how to motivate your fans and get results.

  • People who own smartphones are most likely to be hyper users of email and Facebook: 45% of smartphone owners check email constantly during the day (via multiple devices) and 28% check Facebook with the same frequency, according to a survey from ExactTarget.

  • When you have a fabled story attached to your business, it should be easy to succeed in social media, right? Wrong. Storytelling the right way and monitoring feedback will connect you with customers and get you results.

  • Yahoo Sites comprised the top-ranked Web property in February 2011 with 177.5 million visitors, followed by Google Sites with 175.2 million and Microsoft Sites with 168.8 million, according to comScore Media Metrix service. Expedia (ranked No. 43) joined the top 50 ranking for the first time in February, as did The Washington Post (No. 48) and Twitter (No. 49).

  • When you strip away the basic requirements expected of marketers—hard skills and experience—what's left? Everything that can't be said in a resume! Learn how to stand out and let your personal brand shine with a video bio.

  • Celebrities can be valuable to advertisers, but so too can the people who follow them on social media sites: 64% of US adults who follow a celebrity also follow a brand, according to a survey from The Nielsen Company.

  • LinkedIn has reached the 100 million member mark, the company announced today (Tuesday, March 22). Its members hail from some 200 countries, though a large plurality—44%—are based in the United States, LinkedIn said. In the past year, among the fastest-growing countries in terms of LinkedIn membership were Brazil, Mexico, India, and France.