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  • Are marketers pleased with the level of personalization in their own marketing efforts—and in the email, Web, and mobile channels they use? What grades do they give themselves?

  • Facebook eyes original TV-like shows for this summer; Snapchat scares investors, releases suite of new features to combat Instagram; Facebook's latest algorithm change; Instagram eyes global markets; the niche social media platform trend.

  • Coca-Cola has decided to eliminate the position of CMO; instead, Coke has created a chief growth officer role, in charge of both its customer and its commercial teams. Here's what marketers can learn from the shakeup.

  • Just how do consumers express their love for their mothers on Mother's Day? This infographic shows how e-commerce trends change in the two weeks prior to the holiday.

  • Websites and social media are the digital marketing channels that small businesses use most, according to recent research from Drip.

  • Over 2 million blog posts are published each day. No wonder many marketers struggle with generating fresh content ideas to fuel their marketing efforts. Here are seven tactics to overcome your idea-generation hurdles.

  • A good content workflow makes your publishing process a lot more effective. Here's how you can organize the work of your content team and simplify the production and distribution of marketing content.

  • An influencer marketplace can make working with influencers easier and more effective, but only if you pick the right marketplace for your needs. Check out this infographic for some factors to consider.

  • More than three-quarters (76%) of marketing executives say their company offers some form of alternative work arrangement, according to a recent report from The Creative Group.

  • Digital marketing experts Seth Price and Barry Feldman discuss how to balance your employees' personal brands with the corporate brand, and they share insights from their personal-branding book, The Road to Recognition: The A-to-Z Guide to Personal Branding for Accelerating Your Professional Success in The Age of Digital Media.

  • Go figure... The online reputation management industry has an image problem. So it's time to pull an Elon Musk and share a blueprint of how to do it right. These are the details you won't see anywhere in public, not even at conferences.

  • Knowing how different generations use some of the biggest social media platforms can help you find the right audience for your marketing message.

  • The proportion of clicks on Google AdWords units that originated from mobile phones increased significantly in the first quarter of 2017 (1Q17) compared with the first quarter of 2016, according to recent research from iProspect.

  • If you want your marketing and your business to succeed, you need to make the most of your lead generation campaigns and achieve the highest-possible ROI. Here are a few ways you can do that.

  • We've become used to hearing about Millennials as "the next generation of consumers." That's no longer the case. Millennials are adults now. They're the current generation. And they're your customers. Here's how to reach them.

  • Is a chief growth officer right for your company? Check out this infographic to see how companies of all sizes are handling this role, and learn more about what a CGO focuses on.

  • One in four Americans has listened to at least one podcast in the past month, according to recent research from Edison Research and Triton Digital.

  • The revenue number can hide successes as well as problems, and it tells you little about your customers. Here are six key performance indicators that are better at measuring the pulse of your business.

  • Think direct mail is dead? Think again, according to this infographic from Experian. Check out the numbers on this billion-dollar industry.

  • Consumers say they feel most emotionally connected with a brand that come across as caring about people like themselves, according to recent research from CustomerThermometer.