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  • What if Google assigned a "content score" to every page on your website? Experts think that's exactly what Google does. So, to get more organic traffic to your site, you need to know the answer to this critical question: How do you improve your Google content score?

  • Healthcare marketers have unique challenges—but also unique solutions. One channel that is often overlooked by other marketers can be beneficial to those in healthcare: the phone. Check out the infographic to see how.

  • Enterprise workers say wasteful meetings and excessive emails top are the productivity killers at their jobs, according to recent research from Workfront.

  • How can you overcome a fear of public speaking? How can you deliver a winning presentation that encourages your audience to applaud, give you high marks on post-presentation surveys, and seek you out for a chat after the microphone is turned off? Here are a few recommendations and best-practices.

  • As Instagram matures, brands are finding more ways to use it, and users are finding more ways to interact with brands. Check out today's infographic for stats about the social media image-sharing platform, and see trends about who's posting, who's reading, and what ads cost.

  • Instagram micro-influencers and macro-influencers garner similar average engagement rates on sponsored posts, according to recent research from Mediakix.

  • Twitter tests longer tweets (but how long & for whom?); LinkedIn users' content preferences; Facebook retargeting of physical-store shoppers; Instagram nears 1B users; tbh tops app charts, brings positivity to teens; tools to research competitors' social strategy; more!

  • Congrats, you're 99% of the way done with your new or redesigned website project, but it's not time to relax just yet. Follow these website launch tips for a seamless go-live transition.

  • Writing to sell doesn't have to be difficult. Check out this graphic for basic tips, and remember not to overthink it.

  • The digital ad market in the United States is largely a duopoly controlled by Google and Facebook, according to recent research from eMarketer.

  • What marketing tools should your company be using right now? Here are 17 for 2017—some new, some tried and true, all totally useful.

  • Creating a lead-generation strategy doesn't have to be complicated. This infographic walks you through four basic steps to get started.

  • Nearly half (46%) of consumers in the United States say they have used social media to publicly call out brands for bad behavior or poor service, according to recent research from Sprout Social.

  • Think "multichannel" and "omnichannel" marketing are the same thing? This infographic explains why they are not—and how they should complement each other to give customers the best overall experience.

  • A loyal base of followers is key to your marketing—to bring in steady website traffic and ensure positive word-of-mouth that helps your business gain traction. To avoid ruining your relationship with your social following, use these three strategies.

  • Decision science expert and creative strategist Nancy Harhut shares email secrets from her upcoming B2B Marketing Forum presentation, "9 Insanely Effective Email Tactics You Can Use Tomorrow."

  • Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs just released their annual B2B content marketing research—the most-cited content marketing research in the world. Get insights into how you can take B2B content marketing to the next level.

  • If your marketing calendar is a cobbled-together spreadsheet, be prepared for a content-related nightmare. To maximize your marketing calendar's effectiveness, make sure these three components are in place.

  • Some 78% of Millennials prefer spending money on experiences rather than things, and they'll spend more on those experiences despite making less than adults their age did 40 years ago. Check out lots more on Millennial trends in this eye-catching infographic.

  • LinkedIn members most prefer to see content on the platform that is both educational/informative and relevant to their specific interests, according to recent research from the social network.