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  • An article by marketing professionals on how to match the personality of your web site with the personality of your customers. Part of our continuing commitment to bring you knowledge from both professors and profesionals.

  • Venture capitalists have been talking a lot about the "myth" of the first mover advantage. But they are responsible for saying the net was a land grab and pushing startups to be first. What does all of this really mean?

  • To do good PR you need to understand what journalists are looking for. This tutorial is based on our insights from a recent conference on PR and the Press.

  • The cool thing about a cyberspace tree house is that you get to grow the tree! Design? Crucial. Blueprints? Awesome. You've got to plan it all out. What do we mean?

  • Channel conflict is one of those internet buzzwords that unlike other cute transplants from the offline world has real and dire consequences for companies. Now is Sony taking this too far?

  • More often than not, in-site search engines are just another way to bog down your customer with technology. Here's why in-site search engines typically don't work.

  • With Stephen King’s entrance into direct marketing and publishing of his new novel "The Plant" last week, we are witnessing another attempt to rip the fabric of traditional business using the net. Will it change publishing forever?

  • E-tailers don't seem to be creating close relationships with customers, according to a new study by the Gartner Group. Could it be because of a lack of close relationships inside the companies who use CRM?

  • The GUI (graphical user interface) plays a simple role, but designing a GUI that’s simple for your shopper isn't a simple matter.

  • Research that costs money but is useless.

  • Shares of Yahoo fell last week over concerns about online advertising. Will wireless achieve the elusive relationship between advertising and sales that online advertising is apparently not demonstrating?

  • Perhaps the most important question when thinking about starting a company or marketing a product is the size of the market. Here is this first of two tutorials on the subject.

  • What does Dale Carnegie have to do with ebiz? The people at think there is a lot you can learn from this old master of people skills.

  • Another fallacy of Internet startups is thinking they can create needs. We argue that not even the PC industry created needs, nor did Amazon. You might not agree, so read on.

  • You get a lot of perspective on on-line auctions from industry analysts, but how about from an auctioneer's son turned Marketing Professor?

  • Sucessful e-commerce appears to depend on trust. But how do you design your web presence to enhance consumer's trust? Here are some fiindings on usability's association with feelings of trust and security.

  • A misdirected e-mail sales pitch is as likely to turn customers off as it is to turn them on. Learn how the fundamentals of writing and marketing can work in your favor when composing a direct e-mail marketing campaign.

  • We've said it before. Sales is a part of marketing. Here, the folks at Grokdotcom explain why this is often the neglected part on the web.

  • has a new pricing model for the web. Will it survive? In fact, will any of the new pricing models, like that of, survive?

  • What is a conversion rate for a web site and how do you increase it? The folks at Grokdotcom once again explain this with clarity.