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  • Half of all US consumers would struggle if they had to meet an unexpected expense, and many lack the resources to meet an unexpected financial crisis, like sudden car or home repairs, or minor health-related expenses, according to a TNS Global survey

  • Despite a gradually improving economy, consumers plan to spend less and save more this holiday season, according to Nielsen's annual holiday retail survey. Some 42% of consumers plan to spend less this year on holiday gifts than last year; only 4% say they will spend more.

  • This holiday season, 54% of Americans say they will buy toys as gifts, compared with 47% who said so last year, according to a Harris Poll. Among consumers who intend to purchase toys, 41% say they will spend the same amount as last year and 39% say they will spend less.

  • Consumers are willing to spend small monthly sums to receive news on their personal computer and mobile devices, according to a study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

  • Newspapers are read by a critical mass of adults in the US on a daily and weekly basis, according to the latest Integrated Newspaper Audience (INA)* study from Scarborough Research.

  • Nearly one in five holiday shoppers will rely on digital advancements such as social media and mobile phones for help with holiday shopping this year, according to Deloitte’s 24th Annual Holiday Survey of retail spending and trends.

  • Is Facebook really a tool for business? Paul Chaney says yes. Much the same way a power company connects homes and businesses with electricity, Facebook is a "social utility" designed to facilitate connections between people as well as businesses. Accordingly, it can be highly useful as a business tool. This article addresses various ways that businesses can market using Facebook.

  • Ask most US consumers whether they want to receive mobile-marketing messages on their cell phones, and they will usually answer with a resounding "No." Consumers worry they'll start receiving unwanted Viagra ads and messages from a prince in Kenya. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  • When potential customers arrive at your website or look over your marketing materials, they immediately want to know what's in it for them. If that's not obvious, chances are they will move on quickly. By using the word "you," you begin to establish a connection with readers because you address their needs. And rather than objectifying your message—placing it on a pedestal, as an object of study—you personalize it. Instead of creating an abstraction, you start to build a relationship.

  • Online marketing is nothing new for software marketers. It's only natural that the software industry and computer-software users migrated to the Internet early on. So although the idea of online marketing isn't new, how software is marketed online continues to evolve.

  • Companies that have fully embraced marketing-performance have marketing organizations that make a more positive impact on business—and are more likely to be market leaders—according to a study conducted by CMG Partners and Chadwick Martin Bailey.

  • Mobile marketing is on track to grow 27% to a $2.1 billion market in 2010, according to the Mobile Marketing Association. The total mobile audience is still relatively small, however, and is confined to a limited market segment; moreover, marketers who reach out to the wrong mobile audience risk turning them off, according to BIGresearch's Simultaneous Media Usage Survey.

  • For the first time, the number of small and medium-sized businesses using digital/online media has surpassed the number using traditional media, according to the Kelsey Group.

  • Smartphone units sold worldwide in 2009 will grow 14.5% from 2008 levels, according to a forecast by Infonetics.

  • Consumers flock daily to social media sites to keep in touch with friends and family, but they are also keen to buy from brands that they have seen on these sites, according to new research from Performics and ROI Research.

  • Google and other sites may soon be prevented from searching and indexing News Corp. content, Rupert Murdoch recently said. Whether content can live (profitably) off the Google grid remains to be seen.

  • As a result of the financial crisis, Americans have permanently changed their attitudes toward saving money and are more focused on paying down debt and controlling finances, according to a recent study by Synovate.

  • Most consumers who use Facebook and are a "fan" of a company or brand don't believe they have given those companies permission to market to them; many don't believe marketers are welcome in social networks at all. But here's how companies can connect with fans without turning them off.

  • In aggregating and organizing content from top sites around the Internet, Alltop goes a long way toward solving the filtering problem that many of us have. Alltop can be an invaluable tool for marketers. This article shares eight ways that we can benefit from using Alltop.

  • A big part of making market leadership pay off is an ability to convey and promote thought leadership. Thought leadership is the outward expression of market leadership. It conveys your views on where your market-space is heading (or should be heading), and by communicating in that way, you show confidence in your organization and in those views.