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  • US adults spent an average of 13 hours a week online in 2009, off slightly from last year, when average weekly online use was 14 hours, according to a poll by Harris Interactive. However, usage varies greatly: 20% of adult Internet users are online for only two hours or less per week, while 14% are online 24 or more hours a week.

  • Like the internet phenoms they trumpeted, Internet company names of the last decade have been, by turns, wildly inventive, deeply troubled, breathtakingly silly, serviceable (if dull)—and, occasionally, brilliant. Here are the trends and names that rose to the top (and sank to the bottom).

  • B2B communities are often aimed at highly specialized populations and may even be closed to outsiders. However, a growing number of enterprises regard their B2B communities as a secret weapon that gives them a powerful competitive advantage.

  • Sir John Hegarty, the man behind the Levi's jeans and Lynx deodorant ads, once claimed, "Music is 50% of an ad's success." Yet even today very few metrics are regularly applied within the planning and creative processes to measure the value of music and sound to a brand's marketing.

  • If you look at creating an effective presentation as a process rather than as an event, you'll quickly realize that it isn't a Sisyphean task. A process has the advantages of being both learnable and repeatable, so once you master it you can streamline development time and increase the returns.

  • The television industry will close out 2009—a year dominated by shifting advertising budgets and a poor economy—with lower-than-expected revenues of $15.6 billion, a 22.4% decline from 2008, according to BIA/Kelsey.

  • As the decade draws to a close, only 27% of Americans have positive things to say about the past 10 years and 50% say they have generally negative feelings about them, according to Pew Research. The Internet, email, and cell phones, however, are viewed by many consumers as a change for the better.

  • Though 2009 may have been a trial run for many companies using social media, CMOs expect social initiatives to have a direct impact on their bottom lines in 2010, according to a study from Bazaarvoice and the CMO Club.

  • Awareness for Google's Android operating system is gaining momentum in the US as 17% of consumers in the market for a smartphone say they plan to buy an Android-supported device in the next three months, compared with 20% who plan to buy an iPhone, according to a study from comScore.

  • Marketers spent record highs on branded content in 2009––allocating on average 32% of their overall marketing, advertising, and communications budgets to the category––up five percentage points from the previous high of 27% recorded in 2007, according to a study from the Custom Publishing Council (CPC).

  • US consumers who own electronic book readers are more likely than other adults to be well-educated and have high incomes, according to Mediamark Research & Intelligence (MRI). They are also far more likely to be heavy mobile Internet users.

  • As a B2B company, you may never air a 15-second message on NPR. But distilling your company description to its essence is a powerful goal. It will force you to jettison the jargon and superlatives. And your message will resonate all the more with prospects.

  • What growth strategy is your sales organization pursuing as the economy begins to show signs of recovery? As the business climate improves, so do the opportunities for shifting from survival mode to growth mode. Frozen budgets are beginning to thaw, and companies are considering to fund projects that were deferred during the height of the recession.

  • A well-designed conversion path does more than guide a user toward the ultimate goal of becoming a customer. It leads you and the user into a richer, better-informed relationship.

  • If you are using multiple channels and you want to understand both what's really working and enrich your customers' experiences with your organization, then you'll have to step into the world of cross-channel analytics.

  • US online holiday spending reached $24.8 billion for the first 48 days of the November-December holiday season, a 4% increase over the same period last year, according to comScore.

  • Younger US consumers (age 18-34) are more interested in viewing 3D video content on a TV or PC screen and are more likely to make an HDTV purchase over the next three months than other age groups, according to research from Ipsos Media.

  • Despite reports of its demise, email continues to beat out emerging social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook as the favorite way to share information with colleagues and friends, according to a study from ShareThis.

  • The use of Facebook, Twitter, and blogs for business purposes has skyrocketed in the last six months—with indications of wider adoption and more frequent sessions, according to research by Palo Alto Networks into application traffic patterns of computer networks.

  • A large majority of Americans (62.7%) say they can't get into the Christmas mood this year due to worries about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the healthcare debate, the economy, and concerns about jobs, according to America's Research Group. In previous seasons, outside forces affected no more than 48% of Americans.