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  • The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index, which had been on the rise for three consecutive months, declined sharply in June and now stands at 52.9 (1985=100), down from 62.7 in May, the Conference Board reported.

  • Those who write in corporatese love a paradigm, whether it's new, shifting, or otherwise. And they would never think of simply using something when they can leverage it. But there's a better way.

  • Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, like many consumer packaged goods companies, has no direct online sales channel—but it finds that email-newsletter subscriptions boost purchases on average 1.5 times annually. Perhaps the reason the Scotts Lawn Care Update email newsletter is so successful is its commitment to the roots of the program—customer service.

  • When used systematically, market research is an ongoing two-way communication between your business and its target audience. Treated as such, market research becomes a constant source of information about opportunities for improvement and innovation. And via the Web, you now have a direct round-the-clock link to every potential customer.

  • There has been much debate in the search community about whether it is proper or even hypocritical for a search engine marketing company to use other forms of advertising unrelated to Internet marketing. The naysayers generally have a common argument: A quality SEM company "shouldn't need" to engage in any form of offline marketing.

  • Facebook users spend an average of 7.3 hours a week using the social site—roughly one-third of the amount they spend online—and while on Facebook, most are multitasking online, such as searching the Web or shopping and researching products, according to a survey from Morpace Inc.

  • Some 34 billion videos were delivered to US Internet users in May 2010, up 12.0% from 30.3 billion in April, with YouTube reaching an all-time high of 14.6 billion videos viewed during the month—surpassing the threshold of 100 videos per viewer for the first time, according to comScore data.

  • Despite widespread adoption of social media marketing, most companies are still learning how to integrate those efforts into their overall corporate strategies: 78% of surveyed companies say they actively use social media, but just 41% say those efforts are part of a strategic game plan, according to a survey from Digital Brand Expressions (DBE).

  • Most marketers believe there is value in combining email marketing and social media: Nearly 70% of small business marketers use some type of social media marketing tactic and 77% say integrating email marketing and social media is very or moderately important to their digital marketing efforts, according to a survey from AWeber Communications.

  • Millennials are more likely to use Facebook and Twitter to show support for their favorite brands, but when they're ready to purchase they use email—by signing up for coupon-loaded newsletters, according to a study by ExactTarget.

  • Nearly three-quarters (73%) of mobile content downloaders—i.e., those who download mobile entertainment content from the Myxer platform—say they listen to music on their mobile phones, according to Myxer.

  • Boosted by newer advertising channels and increased marketing activity, ad spending is forecast to increase on average 0.6% in 2011 from 2010 levels, with outlays led by the diversified food products, pharmaceutical, and telecom industries, according to Schonfeld & Associates, Inc.

  • We're at a turning point in how we describe Web-based innovation trends, and the ascendant term is "social media," according to a study by Justin Kistner posted on Socialfresh. Moreover, Facebook among those media is so popular that no other search term in Google beats the volume for "Facebook," Kistner finds.

  • Google continued to dominate search in May, accounting for 72.2% of all US searches conducted in the four weeks ended May 29, 2010, up 1% from April, while Yahoo, Bing, and Ask received 14.4%, 9.2%, and 2.1%, respectively, according to Experian Hitwise data.

  • Customer loyalty matters, because selling more to current customers is easier and cheaper than finding and selling to new ones. Loyal customers tend to buy more, more regularly. And frequently they will recommend your business to others. Here are 10 tips for you to consider to deepen relationships with customers.

  • The previous installments of this series of articles covered the idea of relevance in digital marketing and discussed the first two of five keys for achieving relevance. This installment covers the third: tactical execution in the form of segmentation and optimization.

  • A brand audit enables a firm to lay a solid foundation for management and oversight. The following approach to brand auditing is based on a robust audit methodology that focuses on seven key areas of marketing capability and can be used to assess the marketing activities of any firm.

  • Although much of what you might have heard recently about Facebook likely involves privacy concerns, many of the updates coming out of Facebook's F8 Developer Conference this past April should only make it easier for marketers to engage with their key stakeholders on the social-networking giant.

  • Frequent social networkers—people who use social networking sites several times a day—are more likely to follow brands, access their favorite social sites via mobile devices, and consume a wide variety of mobile technologies, according to a survey from Edison Research/Arbitron Internet.

  • Email messages that include a social media sharing option generate a 30% higher click-through rate (CTR) than those without sharing options—and messages with three or more sharing options generate a 55% higher CTR, according to a study by GetResponse.