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  • Customer experience is about meeting customer needs, aligning touch points, and creating relationships. Learn customer experience basics—and how to create an enriched customer experience that gets results.

  • Most brands and ad professionals say video advertising should be more aligned with TV rather than online display, and 48% are already planning TV and video together, according to a survey from Adap.TV and Digiday.

  • The post script (P.S.) can be a powerful tool for marketers—if it's used the right way. Learn five things you can do with your post script to generate more clicks in your emails and capture the reader's attention.

  • Though Facebook enjoys broad adoption among users of all age groups and genders, other social media sites do not have such ubiquitous appeal, according to a survey from Netpop Research. Facebook, in other words, is not the norm, Netpop found.

  • Before taking your brand global, make sure you've done the proper market research, hired the right staff, and implemented the cultural checks needed to succeed. Here are six steps all brands must consider before going global.

  • Smartphones, Wi-Fi access, and social media have liberated business executives from the confines of their offices; however, the flip side of that freedom is that very few can separate themselves from work after hours, according to a study by gyro and Forbes Insights.

  • Marketing automation systems offer a veritable multitude of capabilities. But don't let all those features overwhelm you. Learn five ways to jump-start your marketing automation strategy without getting stressed out.

  • After a big spike in first-quarter hiring, the direct and digital jobs market is now expected to improve modestly in the second quarter of 2012, according to the Bernhart Associates' Quarterly Employment Report: One-half of employers plan to add marketing staff over the next three months, while layoffs and hiring freezes are expected to decline.

  • There is no question that communities are going to play a bigger and bigger role in the way we all do business. The question is, Is your company ready for it? Rachel Happe of the Community Roundtable offers insights.

  • Marketers can feel overwhelmed by the waves of marketing "solutions" that come at them daily: new digital advertising options, new mobile apps, every surefire lead-generation scheme in the book. It's enough to give a person a monumental headache. No worries, though. The data doctor is in.

  • B2B marketers recognize the need for a data-driven approach to marketing and fully eight in ten (80%) say they are spending more time and resources on critical marketing metrics in 2012, according to a survey from Pardot.

  • Imagine having a switch that activates your buyer's brain and gets her to pay attention to what you say—and to take action. Learn how "engagement energy" can help you craft stronger sales and marketing messages that get results.

  • Email campaign volumes and open rates improved in the fourth quarter of 2011: Average email volumes per client grew 21.0% over levels recorded a year earlier, while open rates increased 12.2% year over year, according to a report by Epsilon and the Direct Marketing Association's Email Experience Council.

  • Almost inevitably, every website will encounter a problem of some kind. Many online marketers lack the technical skills to make website fixes themselves. So how can they effectively mitigate a website problem?

  • Word-of-mouth (WOM) recommendations from friends and family and user-generated content (UGC) are sources most trusted for information about the products people want and need, according to a new report by Nielsen.

  • The following decision tree will help you decide whether to hire or contract your marketing team. Why even consider the question? Because today's business climate requires agility and the ability to perform an ever-increasing set of tasks that require specialized talent, including marketing talent. This infographic flowchart will help clarify your choices.

  • Social media success is not just about gaining followers or "Likes." You need to track how many followers buy your products or subscribe to your services. Learn five steps to building a successful social CRM practice.

  • On April 9, 2012, Facebook announced its billion-dollar plan to acquire Instagram, a hugely popular photo sharing network with more than 30 million users. Traffic to Instagram's website had already been increasing steadily over the previous 24-week period, reaching 3.8 million visits as of April 7, over 55 times the 68,800 visits recorded six months earlier (October 22, 2012), according to a report by Experian Hitwise.

  • It's a no brainer. Local businesses that want to maximize their business results should implement hyper-local digital marketing. Learn key tips for effective local advertising that can help take your business to the next level.

  • Digital Natives, consumers who grew up with mobile technology, subconsciously move between devices and media platforms (e.g., TV, tablets, and smartphones) far more frequently than Digital Immigrants, those who learned about mobile technology in their adult lives, according to a study by Time Inc.