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  • More than three-quarters (76%) of online adults in the US say they have, in the previous three months, clicked on links to related stories (e.g., articles, videos, pictures) to continue reading about a topic, according to a report by nRelate.

  • As an experiment in customer service via social networks, in this case Twitter, Software Advice recently had four employees send customer service tweets via their personal accounts to 14 leading consumer brands in seven industries. This infographic displays the results of that experiment.

  • If you're interested in optimizing your email campaigns at all, you'll steer well clear of the all-too-tempting email marketing sins of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth!

  • What’s the talk this week? Kim Jong-Un’s new Twitter friend and the truth about G+, B2B growth stats and some exciting CES tech, news from ConnecTV and handy charts that illustrate how converged media should work—and what the new media universe looks like. Skim to learn!

  • The Internet, social media, and mobile connectivity now permeate the operations of US-based arts organizations changing the way they stage performances, mount and showcase exhibits, engage audiences, sell tickets, and raise funds, according to new report by Pew Research.

  • We might be living in the age of the Internet, but print collateral is still a part of just about every organization's marketing arsenal. Here's what you need to know to make good choices when purchasing printed materials.

  • From smartphone makers embroiled in copyright battles to stores offering Black-Friday bargains, from investment banks at the center of public scandals to popular Super-Bowl commercials, some brands generated more Twitter buzz than others in 2012—for good and bad reasons—according to data from Topsy.

  • This first article of a series focusing on lead nurturing asks and answers, "How do you achieve alignment between Marketing and Sales?" The series will cover 15 questions that are top of mind for companies.

  • "All of us want to belong, and all of us really want to make an impact, and some of us... we invent Facebook," Ekaterina Walter, social media strategist at Intel and author of Think Like Zuck told me during this week's episode of Marketing Smarts.

  • More than three in four consumers say most of the claims that brands make in advertisements are somewhat exaggerated (57.4%) or very exaggerated (19.0%), according to a study by Lab42. Only 2.8% of consumers surveyed say the claims in various ads are very accurate.

  • Your PR folks have access to content treasure you didn't know you had—without weighing down your team or running up the bill. Here are some easy ways they can help you find those content gems.

  • When creating a business card, keep in mind that it will be a memento in someone's wallet or purse to remind them of your meeting. So make sure your card includes these top 5 elements of the well-designed business card.

  • Organizations are still cautious about dedicating resources to social media marketing: Only 27% of those surveyed employ someone who focuses exclusively on social media, according to a study by Ragan Communications and NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions.

  • Buyers don't care about your product or service. They just care about the problems and opportunities they face and how your expertise can help them. Accordingly, Marketing and Sales share a common goal: earning the right to connect with buyers.

  • Google Android widened its lead over Apple in the US smartphone market: Google captured 53.7% of smartphone subscribers in the US, while Apple secured 35.0%, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service for the three-month period ended in November 2012.

  • Most companies must deal with clients. Unfortunately, some clients can be extremely difficult. To help you identify and handle challenging clients, Ciplex created this infographic highlighting the most common difficult-client types.

  • Before SMBs embrace new advertising opportunities offered by social networks, they need to seriously consider how to go about measuring the ROI impact of such ad investments.

  • Have a good holiday? This week's #SocialSkim kicks you back into gear with social stats, trends for the new year, and tips for keeping (socially) fit. And for the tomorrowhunters out there, we even managed to toss in a little future interfacing with smart light. (Don't worry, that'll make more sense as you skim.)

  • Fully 8 in 10 people worldwide say they are optimistic that the new year will be a better year than the previous one, up 8 percentage points from the 72% who said so a year earlier, according to a 23-country poll conducted by Ipsos for Reuters.

  • Reaching people is easy these days. For all intents and purposes, we no longer have technological barriers and geographical boundaries to worry about. Brand awareness is easy to come by. Or is it?