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  • Search engine optimization works best when it's the last, rather than the first, item on your website checklist. Don't miss these commonly overlooked steps that can vastly improve your site's performance—before you SEO.

  • As mobile adoption grows rapidly in the US, so does mobile content consumption, which recorded double-digit year-over-year (YOY) growth across all major categories as of March 2011 with social networking the standout category, increasing 45.7% to nearly 64 million users, according to data from comScore MobileLens.

  • It's easy to bore your customers to death with email when you're sending them the same type of message repeatedly. Keep them interested by weaving these message types into your email marketing stream throughout the year.

  • When searching for local business information, consumers consult between two and three (2.2) media sources on average with Yellow Pages (Internet and print) and search engines among the most popular, surpassing other media sources such as store circulars, promotional emails, and social networks, according to a study by the Local Search Association.

  • A content management system is not a search engine optimization (SEO) magic bullet, but it can make the SEO job less painful. Learn how today's tools make it easy to automate the important tasks of SEO management.

  • Each day, Twitter users post more than 100,000 questions* to followers on the microblogging site, according to a study by inboxQ. Nearly six in ten of such users say they would welcome answers from companies, provided the quality of answers was as good as or better than those from followers.

  • Many people detest making presentations. Such angst is unfortunate, because with preparation and practice, delivering presentations can be a great way to advance a career and positively promote a company's message.

  • Many companies are realizing that batch-and-blast email marketing is no longer effective: 46% say they have already implemented automated, event-triggered, email marketing programs and, among those not currently running such programs, 58% plan to do so in the next two years, according to a survey from StrongMail

  • Love it or hate it, Quora is a phenomenon that can't be ignored. It embodies a set of principles and trends that will be critical to the future of community management and social media marketing.

  • In the midst of an uncertain business climate, 59% of active social networking users say LinkedIn is their most important social account, up from the 41% who said so a year earlier, according to a report by Performics and ROI Research. Twitter is ranked second among most important social accounts (58%), followed by YouTube (55%) and Facebook (53%).

  • In today's market, your brand and reputation aren't always safe from the scorn of disgruntled and social-media-savvy customers. Looking ahead is critical to anticipating when something may go awry and taking meaningful action.

  • Although only 22% of local merchants say they have used Facebook Ads, nearly two-thirds of those who have done so (64.9%) say they would use the service again, according to a report by MerchantCircle. Meanwhile, 65.7% of surveyed local merchants say they use Facebook for marketing.

  • Facebook, the top US social networking site since May 2009, attracted roughly 151 million unique US visitors in April 2011, reaching three out of four visitors to the social networking category during the month, according to new data from the comScore Media Metrix.

  • Like living things, brands pass through life cycles. Marketing approaches that worked well when a company was in its growth phase may not work later in its life. Learn how the four stages of a brand's life dictate its marketing needs.

  • The number of US advertisers* using mobile display ad campaigns reached 689 in April 2011, up 128% from two years earlier, according to a study by comScore. Campaigns related to mobile content and publishing comprised the plurality of mobile ads, amounting to 50% as of March 2011, followed by ads for consumer discretionary goods (26%), information technology (7%), and financial services (6%).

  • This is the decade for geotargeted local advertising and bringing the global presence to the local user. Though it may seem daunting, getting local can be a simple and rewarding process if you follow these seven steps.

  • BMW, Clinique, and Audi nabbed the top three spots among a list of 100 prominent luxury brands for exceptional Facebook marketing, according to the newly launched L2 Prestige 100 Facebook IQ index, which ranks the Facebook aptitude of luxury brands.

  • Attracting, engaging, and retaining customers in the digital age of marketing requires companies to adopt a true integrated multichannel strategy that is fueled by customer data and enabled by interactive marketing technology.

  • Some 13% of online adults in the US say they use Twitter, up from 8% who said so in November 2010, according to a new report by Pew Research. Meanwhile, Twitter use among men has doubled, from 7% in November, to 14% in May 2011.

  • Respecting traditional branding ideas in the face of an increasingly interactive marketplace may best be described as "tradigital." Here are four ways to marry traditional and digital values at your organization and get results.