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  • Online video has moved to the mainstream: 81% of senior marketing executives now use online video content in their marketing programs, up from the 70% who did so a year earlier, according to a report by the Web Video Marketing Council (WVMC) and Flimp Media.

  • Mobile barcode campaigns can deliver a call to action, engage customers and prospects, and enhance the human experience as it relates to your brand. Learn seven key tips for launching a successful mobile barcode campaign.

  • "It's not just social media," Kurt Abrahamson says in this week's episode of Marketing Smarts. "It's socially engaged audiences that are important." Learn why social sharing is an important indicator of engagement—and more useful to publishers and advertisers than the traditional "reach" metrics.

  • More than one-half (53%) of advertising and marketing executives say they expect companies to increase investments in Facebook marketing in 2012, according to a survey from The Creative Group.

  • Considering the emergence of the social network Pinterest and Facebook's Timeline, it's clear that brands without a solid visual vocabulary will be left behind. Learn six tips for ensuring your brand is ready for the visual revolution.

  • Despite the widespread adoption of SMS text messaging in personal communications, most (86%) people prefer to receive promotional offers from brands via email rather than text, according to a survey from Ipsos OTX and Ipsos Global @dvisor. Similarly, most business professionals prefer email over text messages when receiving promotional offers from brands.

  • Email averages an ROI of $40 for every $1 spent, so it's no surprise that 67% of organizations plan to increase their email marketing spend in 2012. Use those new budgets to maximize your ROI by focusing on three key areas.

  • People want great offers. That's the primary reason they opt in for permission-based communications from brands, whether in the form of "liking" a brand on Facebook or subscribing to an email list, according to a new survey from Constant Contact and Chadwick Martin Bailey.

  • Links that point to your business website are one of the most important SEO factors that influence your online visibility and search engine ranking. Are you getting enough backlinks? If not, learn four reasons you may be falling short.

  • Despite the high cost of acquiring new customers (vs. retaining current ones), only one-half (49.6%) of surveyed marketing executives say they know who their most loyal customers are and how best to reach out to them, according to new study by Acxiom and Loyalty 360.

  • Once focused on defending their turf and justifying their domain, CMOs have evolved and now drive business value. They've morphed into a "super-species": Marketing's CEO. Learn five survival principles for today's CMO.

  • Best-in-Class B2B companies generate on average 17% of their leads from social media channels, roughly 230% more marketing-generated leads than other companies (5%), according to a new report by Aberdeen Group, which examines the social marketing strategies of top-performing B2B companies.

  • Many companies invest considerable effort seeking publicity via influential media—and then fail to benefit from the masthead value of that exposure. Learn how to increase the business impact of high masthead value publicity.

  • One of the rules of traditional brainstorming is... "Don't criticize anyone's ideas." But does that work? "Criticism is really good for the imagination," Jonah Lehrer explains in this week's episode of Marketing Smarts.

  • Active "social TV" viewers—people who watch television and simultaneously engage with others via social networks—tend to watch more live TV so they can be part of social conversations in real time, according to a study by iModerate Research Technologies. Social TV is also enabling viewers' desires to influence programming, via shared opinions and feedback to TV networks, posted on social networking sites.

  • Not having the right information means that you'll have to base your business decisions more on instinct and intuition than on facts. Having the right information readily available in a manageable and comprehensible format is essential for success. That's why a dashboard is invaluable.

  • B2B salespeople spend roughly two-thirds of their time selling in virtual environments—via the Web and telephone—yet most companies haven't adapted their sales skills or content marketing tools to deal with this new reality, according to a new report by Corporate Visions.

  • Do copyright laws apply to posting content on Pinterest? Learn why you might not want to take legal action if your copyrighted content is shared without your permission, and how you can parlay "pins" into profits.

  • Second- and third-generation Hispanics—American-born and English speaking—now account for the majority (60%) of the nation's Hispanic population, according to a new study by Yahoo. Proud of their ethnicity, such later-generation Hispanics are sensitive to the media's portrayal of their ethnicity, but are far less likely to seek out content tied to ethnicity or language.

  • When dealing with the ever-evolving world of social media, marketers must be nimble and adaptive if they're going to keep up with the migration patterns of their audiences. In that sense, newly ascendant social network Pinterest has much to offer marketers.