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  • Technology rules. Yeah, for about five minutes -- then natural instincts take over. Are you stupid enough to fight Mamma Nature?

  • Why most people dislike spam more than unsolicited direct paper mail comes down to three simple reasons.

  • If you're going to get the an email relationship off on the right footing, then you need to be making a positive impression before your customers are even signed-up on your list.

  • Is a membership program a good fit for your company? Here's a “yes” or “no” membership qualification to see if a program is right for you.

  • Here's the bare-bones of scores of business-to-business lead generation programs: The 21 most significant truths learned over 35 years of sales.

  • Developing the silver-bullet brand strategy in the context of an overall brand architecture strategy is critical. This entails far more than just organizing the brands as individual performers. Like...what?

  • Although the business climate for many tech companies has changed with the current downturn, Comdex exhibitors persist in spending like drunken sailors. Is exhibting at Comdex -- or any huge tradeshow -- the best use of your dollars?

  • Should media buyers spread their buys more widely to give their clients a bigger bang for their buck? Heck yes...according to our experience!

  • Amazon has one of the best on-site search capabilities on the Web. But surprisingly, the reason why it works so well is likely to be the same reason why search *won't* work well on your site.

  • You’ve been doing the tradeshows. You’ve been spending on a PR agency. You’ve been running ads – both print and now online. You’ve been doing direct mail and now even direct email. But somehow you feel that you could do better. bet you could.

  • PVBIT. You may not be able to pronounce it, but you had better remember it. PVBIT stands for the five things that email marketing must have for a successful B2B or fundraising application.

  • Ever wonder why some PowerPoint presentations are head and shoulders above others? Why do some have amazing powers of persuasion while others simply bore you to death? Here's the secret to PowerPoint pizzazz.

  • Content is still king. But what beyond content must be included to ensure success?

  • Lots of business people think issuing press releases are all flacks live for. In fact, as part of an effective public relations program, a press release may be the last thing you need to worry about.

  • It is no secret that selling is matter the platform. Consider that when a website is the first contact a potential customer has with a business, the challenges to selling online might be new, but the rules are quite old.

  • o sell more IT and services efficiently and effectively, you need to value your time more than the prospect does.

  • The line between marketing and advertising is fuzzy to begin with. Ask 20 experts what the difference between the two is, and you'll get 20 different answers. So what's the right answer?

  • Studies show that tradeshow sales beat comparative spending on advertising, direct mail, and other marketing efforts. So how do you get the most bang for your tradeshow buck?

  • WHY on earth would you ignore advice on one of the most powerful psychological triggers that makes people buy?

  • Would you believe a simple home page makeover can convert visitors into buyers? Here's how.