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  • Questions of e-mail format stir up a flurry of interest among online marketers. In addition, how marketers wish to send e-mails may vary considerably from what consumers want.

  • The Rules" is a controversial US book detailing how to ensnare a husband by employing a strict code of conduct. Coincidentally, the guide provides an inadvertent object lesson for businesses struggling to achieve CRM.

  • Have you had current or potential customers tune out on you while you're speaking to them? You're giving them this outstanding description and its going bing, bong, kazoom over their heads. Want to know why this happens?

  • In our combined years of experience, we’ve discovered quite a bit about what works, and what doesn’t, in the email marketing arena. More than that, we’ve also divined the true secret of marketing via electronic mail.

  • The party is over. The gluttonous technology buyers of the '90s are on strict diets and are not stopping by our candy stores anymore. Selling technology will require nothing less than completely refocusing your marketing efforts and adapting to leaner customer appetites.

  • Based on the links pointing to your site, the search engines either increase or decrease how relevant your site is for particular keyword searches. Obviously, you want to increase your site's relevancy, right?

  • What's the value of loyalty programs – both to consumers and to the issuers of the cards?

  • In today's turbulent global business environment, there is no better time than now to put effective global leadership traits into place. What are those traits? Here are the top 10.

  • Many of us still have annual sales projections that are based on backroom conversations with unsubstantiated forecast logic or rolled forward from last year's commitment to investors, compensation plans that haven't changed in years and sales support departments who are not assigned a sales quota. Does this sound uncomfotably familiar?

  • Segmentation is supposed to be the cornerstone of CRM. The problem doesn't go far enough.

  • Like a movie, every sales presentation you give is a performance. You are the talent, your PowerPoint is your media, and your potential client is the audience. When you give your business performance, what do you do to make your audience feel like they are the star?

  • The number one reason people leave a job is because of an unhappy relationship with a direct supervisor/manager. What makes for a truly exceptional manager?

  • Since lucid, memorable and profitable direct marketing is now more than ever dependent on first -class planning, the skill is fast becoming as crucial as it is scarce. It is now time for a planning renaissance.

  • Back in the 1990s the Internet had something to say to conventional marketers: Don’t waste money on people who won’t buy from you. We called it targeting. But is targeting now considered a waste of resources?

  • Derek has worked on community features for Netscape, Nike, and Sony, along with creating the community sites, Kvetch!, and SF Stories. Read what he had to say about creating effective communities.

  • Here's a great summer project: Gather your sales brochures, product bulletins, Web page copy, white papers, news releases, sales presentations, annual and quarterly reports...and so on. How clearly and consistently is a differentiated position expressed? Does it read like fodder from several different companies? Well, it doesn't have to.

  • Tech companies, listen up: It’s true that your customers care. They care about how you treat them and about what you’re doing to help them. How do you show them YOU care?

  • Manage your advertising risk by subscribing to a tried-and-true "methodology." Learn from the successes (and mistakes) of those who have gone before you.

  • Global branding. Sounds like a “beast” to some, but it’s the buzzword in e-marketing for the new millennium. Can you afford to do what it takes to get your brand established worldwide? You can!

  • What women want is the eternal mystery. You want to reach women with your wonderful widget. They don’t yet realize that they need your widget at all. So what do you do?